Board of the student body of the University of Bern


The seven board members form the operational management and the executive body of the SUB. They act as a collegial authority and represent the SUB internally and externally. The board of the student body handles the current business of the SUB, carries out assignments from the SR, follows educational policy developments at the university, cantonal and national levels, and ensures that SUB members are kept fully informed. The resolutions of the board meetings can be viewed by SUB members at the secretariat after a notice period of one week.

The seven board members of the student body
The seven board members of the student body

Current list of board members

Tim Röthlisberger (he / him)

Department of higher education policies
In office since December 2021

Yannick Käser (he / him)

Department of faculty student associations, faculties, student groups
In office since May 2022

Sandro Arnet (he / him)

Departments of communication & housing & finances
In office since May 2023

Naima Hillman (she / her)

Department of social affairs 
In office since September 2023

Joshua Bürge (he / him)

Departements legal services & human resources
Im office since September 2023

Lena Vögeli (she / her)

Departements services & culture
In office since March 2024

Ainhoa Martinelli (she / all)

Departments of equality & sustainability
In office since: May 2024

Overview departments

An overview of all departments and areas of activity can be found here.

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