About us


The SUB is the official student association of the University of Bern. It aims to help its members to cope with their studies and everyday life at the university. The SUB offers various services and advice. At the same time, it campaigns for the interests of students at all levels - from the institutional to the cantonal level. The SUB also networks nationally and on a European level. When you enroll at the University of Bern, you automatically become a member of the SUB. Therefore, you can get involved in various committees. The SUB has been in existence since 1925.

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The legislative body of the SUB are the 40 members of the student council (SR). Extraordinarily, a general assembly (GV) of all SUB members can be convened. The SUB executive, the board of the student body (Vorstand), consists of seven people. Faculty student associations (Fachschaft) include all students in a particular subject. Faculty delegates represent students in faculty colleges (Fachschaftskollegien). Student groups (Gruppierungen) are student associations recognized by SUB with cultural, athletic, political, social, or similar purposes. You can get social time cards and diploma supplements for involvement in SUB and faculty councils. The legal basis for SUB work are the regulations and other decrees of the SUB. The SUB Appeals Commission (Rekurskommission) handles legal complaints against the SUB and the faculty student associations.

The organization chart below shows the current SUB's organization:

How can I get involved?

Use our flow chart to find out how you can get involved as a student according to your interests. Start with "do you want to expand your skills or get involved in a topic" and off you go! 

Use our flow chart to find out how you can get involved as a student according to your interests. Start with "do you want to expand your skills or get involved in a topic" and off you go!  

Werte der SUB

Die SUB hat ihre Positionen in den Positionspapieren festgehalten. Darüber hinaus gelten innerhalb sowie ausserhalb der SUB für die Mitglieder sowie die Korrespondierenden bestimmte Regeln, auf die die SUB Wert legt.

Für den Umgang untereinander empfinden wir die im folgenden Wertepapier definierten Punkte relevant. Anhand von diesen Punkte gestalten wir unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Externen sowie den Umgang innerhalb der SUB.

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