Help and support

Where can I find a job? How do I apply for premium reductions? Where can I find microwaves on campus? How do I fill out my tax return?

Here you'll find help to tackle the hassles of everyday university life.

Counselling Center of the Universities of Bern

The Counselling Centre offers support for a wide range of concerns relating to studying or working at one of Bern’s three universities. Specifically, they provide counselling, coaching and informational services for students and staff members of the University of Bern, the University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and the PHBern (University of Teacher Education). All services are confidential and free of charge.

Computer und Electronica

Food on campus

  • Here you will find a list of all microwaves in the buildings of the University of Bern that are made available to you by the SUB or by the Department of Operations and Technology.
  • Here you can find the menu plans and descriptions of all canteens and cafeterias at the University of Bern. Keep in mind that this website is only available in German.
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