Appeal commission


The Appeal Commission is the judiciary of the SUB. It judges complaints against decisions of SUB organs (student council, executive board, SUB commissions) and faculty student councils as well as conflicts of competence. It consists of at least six members. SUB members and former SUB activists are eligible for election. The names of the current commission members are available from the SUB Secretariat on request. The Appeal Commission and its procedural rights are regulated in Art. 31 and 32 of the SUB Statutes and in the Regulations on the Appeals Commission.

Contact and documents

Attention: A complaint must be submitted in written form and signed in two copies. A mere e-mail is not sufficient.

Studierendenschaft der Universität Bern (SUB)
Lerchenweg 32
3012 Bern


Anyone wishing to file a complaint must pay CHF 20 in advance. This amount can be paid in cash at the SUB secretariat or transferred to the SUB account. In case of financial problems or other special circumstances, a request for waiver of the advance on costs may be made.

Bank account:
IBAN: CH91 0900 0000 3000 39975
Konto: 30-3997-5
Purpose of payment: Kostenvorschuss Rekurs

  • In particular 1.04 - Appeals Commission Regulations
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