Housing for students


Here you will find current housing advertisements, opportunities to advertise housing options, as well as lots of information and tips about housing for students in general. As a SUB member, you have access to all our housing advertisements with your campus account. In order to access our services, students from other schools and universities as well as doctoral students and exmatriculated students can purchase a SUB service subscription. The SUB helps you find the ideal place to stay, whether it's a shared flat, a garret, your own flat, or a temporary roof over your head!

Offer housing

The SUB operates a housing platform where housing offers for students can be advertised. You can publish your housing advertisements through our online form. The ad remains online for 4 weeks and is free of charge.

If you have found a suitable tenant before the end of the 4-week period, please contact us by e-mail at wost@sub.unibe.ch or phone 031 631 54 11 so that we can remove the advertisement.

Housing advertisements

You are not logged in at the moment. Log in with your campus account or the access data that you received by e-mail after purchasing a SUB service subscription. Afterwards, you will have access to the housing and job platform. In addition, you will benefit from favourable conditions for copying, binding, laminating and free admission to selected events.

Tips and tricks

Alternative living options

There is not only the possibility to get a room through housing advertisements, but also to find a place in flats reserved especially for students or to live in exchange for help.

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