Services & information


The SUB provides its members with a wide range of services. These services include student housing, a job platform, free admission to cultural events as well as legal and financial advice. This page gives an overview of the services offered.

Student job platform

Here you will find the lastest job advertisements, the options for posting job offers, and dossier services. In addition, you will find lots of information and tips on the topics of working and studying.

Housing for students

As a SUB member, your campus account provides you access to all our housing advertisements. Are you not studying at the University of Bern? No problem! Students from other schools and universities as well as doctoral students and exmatriculated students can purchase a SUB service subscription. Finding housing can be quite a challenge. The SUB helps you find the ideal place to stay, whether it's a shared flat, a garret, your own flat or a temporary roof over your head.

Financing your studies

How much money do you need as a student? What kind of expenses are coming your way? Who can you turn to if you find yourself in a difficult financial situation? We help you managing your finances.

Legal advice

The SUB legal advice offers individual legal advice for SUB members as well as for people who would like to start studying at the University of Bern.

Open Lecture Hall

The Open Lecture Hall project was successfully launched in the autumn semester of 2016. The project is aimed at refugees and students at the University of Bern. With this project, the SUB would like to offer refugees access to education and society and the opportunity to get an insight into students life at the University of Bern. Similar projects can be found at the universities of Basel, Zurich and Geneva. 


Womentoring is an interdisciplinary mentoring programme by and for female students* at the University of Bern. It is for all female students* at the University of Bern in their Master's programme who are considering an academic career. They are supported by assistants or doctoral students in the same or a related field of study.


SUB KiStE - Kind, Studium, Elternschaft (child, study, parenthood) is a network for students that are also parents to exchange experiences. A meeting takes place every semester. An online forum is used for the exchange of (future) student parents with specific questions and tips.


LGBTQ+ is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer/Questioning and all other people who feel like they belong to the queer community. For the SUB, diversity is of utmost importance. That's why, the SUB is committed to ensuring that all people can study at the University of Bern free of discrimination.

Help in case of sexual harassment

The #metoo debate and the events at ETH and the University of Basel have shown that sexual harassment is omnipresent - also at universities. The SUB fights all forms of discrimination and is committed to the protection and integrity of all. Individual boundaries must be respected and adhered to.

Cross-university study

SUB Support Fund

The support fund is used to support projects carried out by SUB members or SUB groups. By supporting student engagement, students can contribute their ideas to everyday life at the university which makes studying even more exciting!

SUB Social Fund

The SUB Social Fund supports SUB, MVUB members, and mobility students which find themselves in acute financial emergencies. In order to tackle these financial difficulties, the Social Fund Commission can raise up to CHF 5000 in form of a scholarship or loan.

SUB service subscription

You are not a University of Bern student? No problem! Students from schools and universities other than the University of Bern as well as doctoral students and exmatriculated students can sign up for a SUB service subscription. By doing so you can benefit from attractive offers from the SUB.

Free admission to events

The SUB provides its members with free admission to various cultural events in Bern. From theatre visits to clubbing to football matches, the SUB has something for every mood and field of interest.

SUB house "SUB-Hüsli"

In the wonderful SUB Hüsli at Lerchenweg 32, in the plane tree courtyard of the Uni-Tobler area, you will not only find the SUB office, but also all kinds of useful things for your everyday life as a student. Come by and see for yourself!

Help and support

Where do I find a job? How do I apply for premium reductions? Where can I find microwaves on campus? How do I fill out my tax return? 

Here you will find help to tackle the hassles of everyday university life. 

Language courses

Would you like to polish up your French, Spanish or German in an informal setting? Or would you like to discover Japanese as a new foreign language?

Room of Silence

The Room of Silence is a place where students and staff of different faiths and worldviews come together. The room is open to individuals and groups for meditation, prayer, and silence. 

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