Jobs for students

Are you a student looking for a job or information about employment? As a sub-member, you have access to all our advertisements with your campus account. Students from other schools and universities as well as doctoral students and exmatriculated students can purchase a SUB service subscription.

Current job advertisements

You are currently not logged in. To benefit from this offer, you must log in either via the navigation point "Profile" or the button below. Use your campus account of the University of Bern and the corresponding password.  If you are not a student of the University of Bern, you can still benefit from the advantages of a SUB membership. To do so, fill out the registration form for a service subscription or come to the secretariat at Lerchenweg 32 which you will find the secretariat inner courtyard at Unitobler. Membership for half a year costs CHF 25.

Things worth knowing

Dossier placement

Unfortunately, the dossier placement is not available at the moment.

In the case of the dossier placement, a pre-selection is made by the SUB-recruiter. This means that you will be competing in a smaller field of applicants and therefore have a better chance. In addition, you can apply again and again with a personnel sheet. You only have to fill it out once. You can view the current dossier advertisements online and apply directly by e-mail.

Newsletter for the latest job advertisements

Every Thursday, the latest job advertisements are sent to your email address and you can contact the employers directly.

Wage recommendations

  • Office jobs: 20 to 30 CHF per hour
  • Short assignments: 20 to 30 or 35 CHF per hour
  • Cleaning jobs: at least 20 CHF per hour
  • Tutoring and private lessons: 30/35 sFr/lect. up to 45/47 CHF per hour
  • IT/computer specialists: from 40 CHF per hour
  • Booth/stand supervision: 25 CHF per hour

AHV information

In general, AHV/IO/EO (OASI/DI/IC) and ALV contributions must be deducted from each salary payment. In certain cases, the payment of these contributions can be waived. You can find information in the corresponding leaflet 2.07 or directly from your AHV (OASI) office. 

International students

If you want to work in Switzerland as an international student alongside your studies, you need a work permit. The Department of Economic Affairs of the Canton of Bern is responsible for this permit. Keep in mind that the corresponding website of said department is only available in German and French.

Things worth knowing

Further options on how to find a job

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