

This section provides an overview of the commissions, their membership, and a guide to commission work.

What are commissions?

There are different types of commissions at the University of Bern. There are university-wide commissions, faculty commissions, and commissions of the student body of the University of Bern (SUB).

University commissions deal with topics that affect the entire university. For example, there is a university-wide Commission for Equality, a Commission for Sustainable Development, a Library Commission, etc. These commissions include representatives from all faculties, the university management, various departments, and students.

Faculty commissions deal with topics within a specific faculty. For example, various commissions can be found at all faculties (e.g. for equal opportunities or for quality assurance), while other commissions only exist at individual faculties (such as the ethics commission at the medical faculty). Certain faculty commissions, such as appointment commissions, are formed as needed and dissolved again after the process is completed.

Commissions of the SUB deal with internal SUB topics. For example, there is the Higher Education Policy Commission, the Finance Commission, or the SUB Cultural Commission, which organizes events.

All committees have regulations that define their organization, membership, and procedures. It is worthwhile to study these regulations, as they contain, for example, the deadlines for submitting agenda items.

Absence regulations
We have drawn up a joint document with the University of Bern to facilitate committee work. University committee work now counts as a reason for absence from courses. You have to fill out the following form:

Commission Guidelines

The guidelines offer you support for your work in commissions. What are commissions? What do they deal with? Why do students sit on them? How do committees actually work? Where can I get help?

SUB commissions

Du interessierst dich für eine Kommission der SUB? Melde dich beim SR-Präsidium.

Business Audit Commission (GPK, 3 SR members)
It examines the conduct of business (Art. 26 SR Rules of Procedure). Continuous investigation, especially within the framework of the annual reports. In particular, however, it investigates individual incidents which it has been instructed to investigate by the student council (SR) or the board or which it itself considers worthy of investigation. It also examines warnings and dismissals issued to employees by the SUB board. In recent years it has also become customary for it to provide the student council with information on the correct interpretation of the regulations, but it is not obliged to do so under the regulations. 

Finance Commission (FiKo, min. 5 SR members)

Audits the financial budget of the SUB, the annual accounts, the budget, and the financial proposals. Monitors the use of the approved credits (Art. 27 SR-Geschäftsreglement).

Board election committee (at least 3 SR members, each faction represented in the student council has the right to sit on the committee)

Conducts interviews for new board seats to be filled and makes an election recommendation to the council (Art. 27 bis SR-Geschäftsreglement). According to customary law, committee members who are unable to attend can be represented by other members of their political group, so that all political groups are informed about the applicants.

Communication Commission (KomKom, unlimited number of SR members)

Supervises the activities of the SUB in connection with the SUB medium (SUB pages in the bärner studizytig) and SUB communication (Art 27ter SR-Geschäftsreglement). Prepares the student council business concerning the SUB medium and communication. Right of co-determination in the selection of the partner organization and the negotiation of the service agreement.

Festival Commission (FeKo, at least 5 SR members, each faction has the right to sit in)

Supervises and accompanies the organization of the CAMPUSFESTIVAL (Art 27quater GS). Must confirm the composition of the Unifest organization committee and decide whether and how many committee members are to be compensated (Art. 5 Unifest regulations). May decide on exceptions to the general CAMPUSFESTIVAL advertising principles (Art. 18 UFR). Pre-discusses the Unifest budget (Art. 19 UFR). Decides whether and how much of any CAMPUSFESTIVAL profits will be distributed to student bodies and groups (Art. 23 para. 5 UFR).

Higher Education Policy Commission (HoPoKo, 8 SUB members, advisory vote of the board)

Deals with higher education policy and informs the SR about events and discussions on an ongoing basis. The members of the commission contribute to the thematic commissions of the VSS. May draft new position papers or amendments to existing position papers and submit them to the SR for approval (Art. 27quinquies SR-Geschäftsreglement).

Social Fund Commission (Sofoko, 3 SR members, 2 board members, 1 representation Mittelbauvereinigung)

Decides on the awarding of loans and scholarships to students in need of financial support in accordance with the Social Fund Regulations and the Loan and Scholarship Regulations. Discusses SR decisions in connection with the Social Fund. Will also decide on the allocation of contributions from the SUB Diversity Fund (for activities beneficial to studies but not compulsory) as soon as funds for the Diversity Fund have been raised. The Sofoko meets frequently (approx. every 2 weeks during the semester) and makes decisions that can be very decisive for the students concerned, which is why involvement there is exciting, but also associated with great responsibility.

Substitute Social Fund Commission (1 SR member, 1 VS member, 1 MVUB)

Stand-in for the regular Sofoko members when they are unable to attend meetings. 

Social Fund Foundation (3 SUB members)
University commission for the support of students in need of financial support, in this sense similar tasks to the Social Fund. Responsible for contributions of over 6,000 Swiss francs. The SUB provides exactly half of the delegates, which is why reliable attendance is important.

SUB-Culture (min. 1 board, min. 3 SR, all SUB members can be elected, unlimited number of members)

Organizes cultural events as well as educational and cultural events (Art. 1 SUB-Cultural Commission Regulations).

VSS delegates (2 board members, any 4 SUB members)

Represent the SUB at the twice-yearly delegates' meetings of the Association of Swiss Student Bodies (VSS). The VSS represents Swiss students at the national and international level, supports the sections, and develops higher education policy knowledge and positions. Within the VSS, the meeting of delegates has similar tasks to the student council in the SUB; experience has shown that, in addition to internal organizational matters (such as the election of the VSS executive or finances), it mainly adopts political positions.

VSS substitute delegates (2 board members, any 4 SUB members)

Stand-in for the VSS delegates in case of absence. In practice, VSS substitute delegates are fully involved in the preparations and can usually attend the meetings of delegates, as there are practically always delegates who cannot come to the meeting for the whole 2 days. Those who are standing as substitute delegates should therefore have time in May if possible.

Appeals Commission of the SUB (min. 6 members, eligible are SUB members and former SUB active members, no board and council members, max. 2/3 of one gender, min. 2/3 members of the Faculty of Law)

Judiciary of the SUB. Adjudicates complaints against decisions of the student council, the board, and student council bodies and against elections and votes as well as competence disputes between SUB bodies (Art. 50 SUB Statutes). Also responsible for legal disputes relating to the service contract with the SUB medium. Elected according to the same procedure as board members.

VSS Social Commission (SoKo, 1 seat)

Equal Opportunities Commission VSS (CodEg, 1 seat)

Commission for International Affairs and Solidarity Work VSS (CIS, 1 seat)

Higher Education Policy Commission of the VSS (HoPoKo, 1 seat)

Bernese Education Coalition (BBK, SUB members, unlimited)

A coalition of various education policy groups that oppose cuts in education. Has been inactive for a long time, but could be reactivated.

Student Council Rules of Procedure Commission (all SUB members, unlimited)

Has the mandate to revise the SR's Rules of Procedure. Was established on 7 March 2019.

Diversity Working Group (all SUB members, unlimited)

Enables students to develop and implement measures for more diversity at the University of Bern.

Equality Working Group (all SUB members, unlimited)

Enables students to develop and implement measures for more equality at the University of Bern.

Sustainability Commission of the SUB (all SUB members, unlimited)

Interested students of the university Bern meet several times per semester with this commission to pursue ecological issues within the university. Since autumn of 2023 the work of the commission is based on a shared project paper. Some of the projects pursued are the following:

- Use and waste of paper (teaching, administration and libraries)
- Monitoring the universities climate goals
- The menudesign in the universities' refectories
- Monitoring the Green- to red-light system of the universities travelling platform for business travels.

Would you like to join or do you have questions? Reach out to the Board Member responsible

Working Group on Digitalisation (all SUB members, unlimited)

Enables students to exchange ideas on the topic of digitalization and to help shape the handling and direction of the SUB and the University of Bern with regard to digitalization.

University commissions

Are you interested in a university commission? Get in touch with the board member for university policy.

Representation in the University Appeals Commission (1 SUB member)
Assesses appeals against university decisions (such as grades, study exclusions, but also university personnel law issues or the reimbursement of costs of the dental clinic). The SUB places a student representative on the committee.

Rules of Procedure

Senate (4 SUB members, 2 of whom are usually VS, only one per faculty)

Formally the highest body of the university. Elects university functions, must approve the creation of new university units, must approve university regulations as well as certain faculty regulations and degree programmes. In addition to the SUB and the Mittelbau representation, the deans and vice-deans of the faculties are represented.

Rules of Procedure

Senate substitute delegates (4 SUB members, of which 2 board members by habit)

Stand-in for the regular Senate delegates in case of absence.

Delegation Commission for Equality (2 SUB members, 2 representatives, 2 substitute) Represents the students at the University Equal Opportunities Commission

Rules of Procedure

Commission for Quality Assurance and Quality Development (QSE, 1 SUB member, 1 substitute)

Student representation on the commission that deals with quality assurance at the University of Bern. At the moment, this commission is particularly concerned with the upcoming accreditation of the University of Bern.

Rules of Procedure 

University Planning and Finance Commission (traditionally board members, 1 representative, 1 substitute)

Responsible in particular for university financial planning.

Rules of Procedure

Environmental Research Award Commission (1 SUB member)

Awards the university environmental research prize. 

Collegium Generale (1 SUB member)

There is student representation on the Collegium Generale, which organises the interdisciplinary series of events on a theme held each semester.

Rules of procedure 

Archive Commission (1 SUB member, 1 substitute)

Student representation on the commission concerned with university archives.

Rules of Procedure 

UniTobler House Commission (1 SUB member)

Deals with spatial issues on the UniTobler premises (especially room allocation) and issues the house rules. 

Commission for IT Services (1 representative, 1 substitute)

Responsible for the IT services of the University of Bern.

Rules of Procedure

Commission for International Relations (1 representative, 1 substitute)

Responsible for the international relations of the University of Bern.

Rules of Procedure

Commission for the Promotion of Young Academics (SUB members, 1 representative, 1 substitute)

Deals with the promotion of young academics.

Rules of procedure

Central Library Commission (ZEBU, 1 substitute, 1 replacement)

Discusses important matters relating to the university libraries.

Rules of Procedure

Further Education Commission (1 SUB member)

Deals with the further education programmes offered at the University of Bern (such as CAS programmes)

Rules of procedure

Mensa Foundation Board (2 SUB members)

Student representation in the Mensa Foundation. Plans real estate and, as a contractual partner of the ZFV, is responsible for the contractual relationship with the ZFV.

Mensa Commission (3 SUB members)

Internal university commission for refectory issues.

Forum University and Society (2 SUB members)

Cultivates the exchange between the university and important personalities from business, politics, culture and the general social sphere. Organises events and leads discussions. Also good for the SUB because it enables us to network.

Rules of procedure

Commission for Sustainable Development (SUB member, 1 representative 1 substitute)

Deals with sustainability issues at the University of Bern.

Rules of procedure

Core System Teaching Commission (2 SUB members)

Student representation in the university commission on KSL.

University Research Commission (2 SUB members)

Sources & links

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