Welcome to SUB KiStE - Child, Study, Parenthood - the network for students who are parents or those who (want to) become parents.

The SUB KiStE offers network and exchange opportunities  for student parents. An exchange meeting takes place every semester. If you have specific questions or tips, the best thing to do is to register in the forum with your campus account and exchange information with other (future) student parents.


The SUB KiStE members used to meet up once a semester for an informal get together. Due to declining demand, the meetings have been discontinued. If you have any questions or need to exchange ideas, please contact the SUB board. If you need advice on the topic of compatibility, you can find it at the AfC.

The Executive Board is currently working on a new program in the area of compatibility.

If you want to stay up to date, sign up for the newsletter.

SUB KiStE Meeting
SUB KiStE Meeting

Legal framework

Do you have difficulties in complying with compulsory attendance due to pregnancy or looking after children? Then you can refer to Article 16 of the Regulations for the Equality of Women and Men at the University of Bern:

"Pregnancy, as well as the care of children, shall be taken into account when granting exceptions to provisions on the temporal organization of studies in study and examination regulations.

(„Schwangerschaft sowie die Betreuung von Kindern sind bei der Gewährung von Ausnahmen von Bestimmungen über die zeitliche Organisation des Studiums in Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen zu berücksichtigen.“)

Article 16 of the Regulations on Gender Equality of the University of Bern
Article 16 of the Regulations on Gender Equality of the University of Bern


Here you will find information about the child- and family-friendly infrastructure at the University of Bern. The SUB aims to continuously improve and expand the infrastructure provided.

  • The roadmap offers you a compilation of all family-friendly places at the University of Bern, including breastfeeding and nappy-changing facilities.

Spielkisten auf dem Campus

There are toy boxes with toys for all ages at various locations. You can find a list here:

  • In the SUB-Hüsli (Lerchenweg 32) you can borrow the SUB toy box! It contains toys and a blanket and is available at the SUB office during opening hours. You can also reserve it. Use it wherever you want. If something breaks or gets dirty, please tell us so we can take care of it. And bring it back after use ;-)
  • In the UniS foyer (Schanzeneckstr. 1) you will find the second play box, which was made possible in cooperation with the Department for Equal Opportunities. This box is permanently installed and the toys can be taken out and used.
  • The third (mobile) play box is located in the parent-child room in room -111 at Mittelstrasse 43.

Parent-child rooms

There are already five parent-child rooms, which serve as work and play spaces during childcare bottlenecks, as meeting rooms, for breastfeeding, or as a quiet room. These rooms are accessible to students and employees of the University of Bern.

Breastfeeding and pumping milk

You can breastfeed and pump milk here:

  • vonRoll building: Fabrikstrasse 8, room A015, guidelines in German
  • Unitobler: Muesmattstr. 45, room D411 (incl. fridge). For a key, please contact the Dean's Office of the Phil.-hist. Faculty. If you have questions, please contact 
  • GIUB: Hallerstr. 12, room 306, registration: 
  • In the buildings Unitobler, UniS, Uni Hauptgebäude, Uni H6, ExWi, Bühlplatzareal and Uni Engehalde in the respective sanitary rooms.
    Please register here with the Equal Opportunities Department before using it for the first time: 
  • Inselareal: IFIK, MEM
  • Small animal clinic: Länggassstrasse 128, room 065
  • Departement for BioMedical Research (DBMR): Murtenstrasse 24-28, room 040

Changing tables

Changing tables are available in all wheelchair-friendly toilets and in the following rooms:

  • UniS: At the Cubus in the entrance hall (WC-D)
  • Unitobler: room D411 or toilet in the basement
  • H6:  First aid room in the basement
  • ExWi:  First aid room on the ground floor

Highchairs for children in the cafeterias and canteens

Highchairs for toddlers are available in the following canteens and cafeterias: 


Basisbibliothek Unitobler & Library Münstergasse have areas for children to play (incl. children's books). 

Childcare service KIHOB

The Bern University Childcare Foundation (Stiftung Kinderbetreuungsangebot Hochschulraum Bern KIHOB) promotes and ensures supplementary family care and support for the children of members of the University of Bern and the University of Teacher Education Bern (PHBern) and other persons from the university environment.

Daycare (Kita)

The occupancy times in the KIHOB daycare centers are determined semester by semester and can thus be adapted to the current timetable and your needs. Further information is available here.

Daycare during conferences

Childcare (age: 4 months old to 7 years old) for participants in internal or public conferences and congresses. Registration by the institute or the conference or congress organization, at least 2 months before the desired childcare date. Further information in German is available here.

Plan B - short-term care at home on short notice

In the event of extraordinary, short-term care bottlenecks in the family (e.g. illness of the child), KIHOB also provides care at home.  The journey by public transport from Bern Länggasse should not take longer than 45 minutes. A reservation can be made from Monday to Thursday between 8.00 and 20.00 (2-6 hours/day). For further information in German please see here.

Marginal hours care

The KIHOB also looks after children (age: 4 months to 7 years) of participants in meetings. Meeting childcare is also available to members of the University of Bern who do not otherwise use any of the services offered by the KIHOB Foundation. Childcare hours: Monday to Friday, 17.30 to 20.00.
For more information in German, see here.

Financial support

SUB Social Fund

The Social Fund is available to SUB or MVUB members and mobility students in acute financial emergencies. To bridge financial difficulties, the Social Fund Commission can grant an amount of up to CHF 5000 in the form of a support contribution or loan. Further information is available here.

Social Fund Foundation ("Stiftung Sozialkasse")

The purpose of the Social Fund Foundation ("Stiftung Sozialkasse") of the University of Bern is to support enrolled students who are in an acute financial emergency (unforeseen, through no fault of their own and not permanent) and who are foreseeably (i.e. one semester, in justified exceptional cases a maximum of two semesters) about to complete a Bachelor's or Master's degree. The information sheet on submitting an application, the forms "Budget Statement" and "Financing Plan" are available on the unibe-website under Student Financing. Further information is available here


The compatability-choaching is offered by the department of equation in collaboration with the "specialist department UND - family and employment for men and women". The coaching is ment for employees and students at the university of Bern as well as for their partners. The coaching is about the compatibility of job, family and private life.

Student council

For student council members, childcare is funded during sessions. If there is a need, please contact the board member for equal opportunities.


Stay up to date and sign up for the SUB KiStE newsletter:

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