Supporting culture

Supporting and promoting cultural activities is close to our hearts. We support students and groups who want to get involved in culture because we believe that culture is at its best when everyone participates and helps to create it. For this reason, we have set up our SUB support fund.

General information

We support all kinds of student cultural projects which correspond to students' interests (material and non-material) and which are not discipline-specific. In order to receive financial support from the SUB, you must submit an application in the form of a written project dossier to the board member for culture. The dossier must be submitted at least 30 days before the planned event!

Submit an application

The project dossier contains three parts:

  1. Presentation of the project: Tell us what you are planning and why we should support you.
  2. Type and amount of support requested.
  3. A complete budget including contributions already received and those still expected. The more precise your budget is, the more likely we are to consider your request!

Incomplete project dossiers will not be further reviewed

Decision-making process:

  • For applications of under CHF 1'000.–, the executive board of the SUB decides on the application. The board meets weekly and reviews applications within 14 days. Keep these processing times in mind when planning your project!
  • Applications over CHF 1,000 are dealt with by the Student Council twice a year twice a year, at the first meeting of the semester. The respective submission deadlines are:
    a. For the fall semester, July 31 before the respective semester.
    b. For the spring semester, January 31 prior to the respective semester

Submit your application to the department of culture by e-mail. The department of culture can also help you with further questions:  

We proudly present the winner of the design competition!

In order to advertise the support fund and support the students at the same time, the SUB held a poster design competition. Congratulations to Fabian Corpataux for winning the first prize! All posters we received will soon be shown on social media.

Congratulations to Fabian Corpataux!
Congratulations to Fabian Corpataux!

Financial regulations

According to Art. 23 of the Financial Regulations of the SUB, the Support Fund is used to support projects carried out by SUB members or by SUB groups.

Support is given to projects that are directed towards the interests of the students, whether these are cultural, higher education policy, gender-specific, especially women*-specific, scientific or informative projects. Sports activities cannot be supported.

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