Documents & form templates


Here you will find all important documents and form templates on one page.


The regulations form the legal framework for the activities of the student body. You can find all the currently valid regulations on the overview page.

Annual programmes and statements of accounts

The annual programme defines the objectives of the SUB board's work within a political year. In the statement of accounts, the work done and the implementation of the goals are reported.

List of abbreviations

The list of abbreviations serves as a guide to terms and abbreviations frequently used in and around the SUB.

Social certificate and diploma supplement

You can find all documents and forms for issuing proof of voluntary student work in this section.

Templates for faculty students associations (Fachschaften)

This is where boardmembers of faculty students associations (Fachschaftsvorstände) can find templates for applications for additional funding (Zusatzbeiträge) and an example for bylaws.

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