Templates and documents for the faculty student associations

This is where you find templates for bylaws for faculty students associations and for applications for additional funds.

Applying for additional funds

In addition to your annual basic contribution that you receive from the SUB as faculty students associations you may apply for additional funds. The additional funds are intended for events and projects of your faculty students association for which your annual basic contribution and other sources of income won't suffice.

We require a written request, a budget regarding the event, your annual budget, and a current bank statement. Please send us your application at least 30 days before the planned event or project. Please send your application to fasek.sub@unibe.ch.

Please note: Requests for additional funds for up to CHF 1'000.00 can be treated and approved by the board of the students body. Should you require more than CHF 1'000.00 your application goes to the fund for faculty students associations, which the students council has to treat and approve. The student council has about 6 sessions per year. This means you can expect a longer wait time. Please contact us as as early as possible.

(German) Templates on what your application might look like below:

Bylaws for faculty student associations

All faculty student associations are part of the SUB. This is in accordance with the bylaws of the SUB as well as the university law of the canton of Bern.

As part of the SUB you are required to have your own bylaws, which need to be confirmed by your assembly as well as the students council.
Whenever you revise your bylaws, they need to be confirmed anew.

Ideally you have them examined prior to the vote in the students council by us. Send them to . If you wish to not have them priorly examined, you may send the new bylaws directly to with the request to put them on the agenda for the next session of the students council.
Please only send bylways as PDF file, where every change you made to the earlier version can be seen.

If you have any questions regarding your bylaws you may contact the board member in charge of "Fachschaften, Fakultäten und Gruppierungen" anytime.

Here you can find a template for well structured and unproblematic bylways (in german):

Sammlung Fachschaftsstatuten

Hier sind alle aktuell geltenden Statuten der Fachschaften gesammelt. Das Datum bezieht sich jeweils auf die Genehmigung durch den Studierendenrat.

Template for proof of voluntary student commitment

You can find all documents and forms for issuing proof of voluntary student work in this section.

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