Student groups


The SUB student groups help you to organise your everyday life around the university and make it more colourful. SUB groups have the right to hold events in the SUB-Hüsli and can make up to 1'000 free copies per semester at the SUB's expense. The student groups and their rights are regulated in detail in the group regulations.

How to found a student group

Here you will find important information on how to found student groups.

If you would like to found a new student group at the University of Bern, you will find all the information you need on the University of Bern website. If you would like to register a SUB group or have any other questions or concerns regarding groups, please contact the responsible member of the SUB board member for faculty student associations, faculties & student groups.

Overview student groups

There are a variety of student groups which are engaged in different topics. Here you can find an overview of all groups of the SUB.

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