Student council

The student council (SR) is the parliament of the SUB. It decides on measures to be taken to safeguard the interests of the students. The SR members elect and supervise the executive board members as well as the SUB delegates in university commissions. Furthermore, the SR decides on statutes, regulations, finances and determines the political positions of the SUB.

Student council
Student council

Allocation of seats & election

The 40 seats of the SR are filled by students organised in parliamentary groups. Every two years, the SR is elected by the students of the University of Bern.

Seat allocation since March 2023
Seat allocation since March 2023

Electoral report

Student council meetings

The student council SR meets several times per semester. The meetings are open to the public and every SUB member has the right to participate in the discussion. During the meetings, childcare is provided for members of the student council. If you need childcare, please contact the student board member in charge of the department of equality.

SR meetings during fall semester 2023:

31st August 2023 at 18:30 (extraordinary meeting)

28th September 2023 at 18:30

09th November 2023 at 18:30

07th December 2023 at 18:30

past meetings:


More information on the SR processes can be found in the following presentation:

Sources & links

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