Student Council elections 2025


Every two years, students at the University of Bern elect the 40 members of the Student Council (SR) to determine the composition of the SUB parliament. The next Student Council elections (SR elections) will take place from March 24 to April 14, 2025.

The most important facts in brief

Political groups can be founded until 10.02.2025 and announce their intention to submit a list.

The definitive list submission with all candidates, including election documents, will take place by 10.03.2025.

Students can elect the Student Council from 24.03. - 14.04.2025.

The Student Council (SR) with 40 seats is the parliament of the SUB. The SR decides on measures to be taken to safeguard the interests of the students. It elects and supervises the Executive Board and the SUB delegates to university committees. It decides on statutes and regulations and defines the political positions of the SUB.

You can find more information about the student council here.

How to run for the student council?

If you would like to run for the Student Council, you can either join an existing political group and be placed on their list or you can set up your own parliamentary group by submitting it via email by 10.02.2025.

All parliamentary groups must also announce their intention to submit a list by 10.02.2025. The definitive list submission with all candidates, including election documents, will take place by 10.03.2025.

If you have any questions, the election office can be contacted at .

Kandidiere jetzt für den Studierendenrat!
Kandidiere jetzt für den Studierendenrat!
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