The Swiss Student Union VSS

What is the VSS?

The Swiss Student Union (VSS) has represented the interests of students in Switzerland since 1920. The VSS fulfills similar tasks at the national level as the SUB in Bern. Its members are student organizations from universities, the ETH, universities of applied sciences, and universities of teacher education. It coordinates the concerns of its members and supports them when they need help in fulfilling their tasks. In addition, it develops basic knowledge on higher education policy for the sections and publishes well-founded documents and position statements on the Swiss higher education system.

In Swiss higher education policy, decisions at the national level are becoming increasingly important. The VSS tries to influence these by maintaining contacts and lobbying, namely with the parliament, the federal administration and the Swiss University Conference (SHK). In the SHK, it is also directly represented in the plenary assembly with an advisory seat. Internationally, the VSS is involved in the European Students Union (ESU). The most important goals of the VSS are equal opportunities and strengthening student co-determination.

The SUB has always been very actively involved in the VSS and its committees. If you are interested in joining the VSS, please contact the board member in charge of the National Higher Education Policy or contact the VSS directly. Homepage of the VSS

We proudly present: VSS

We proudly present: VSS
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