Political student groups

Here you find the SUBs political groups.

Page content:

Christian Student Representatives (Christliche Studierendenvertretung W7)

We are united by the Christian faith and its values and principles. For a university where you feel at home!

We are independent in terms of party politics and a diversity of opinions and views is present - and also desired. The basis is being a Christian, independent of any denomination. We reflect together on what it means to translate Christian values into higher education politics and everyday life on campus. We are supported by the Christian university group VBG.

Our goal is to work constructively in the Student Council (SR) and in the Student Body of the University of Bern (SUB). We want to contribute to a good university and appreciate the skills and commitment of others. We help to achieve improvements in everyday life at the university and to develop new ideas. In addition, we strive for a SUB that concentrates on its core tasks, namely to act in the interests of the students at the University of Bern.

We are committed, for example, to:

  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly use of the resources of the University of Bern
  • Making everyday life at the university easier for physically disabled students

Are you interested in getting to know us? - Get in touch with us without any obligation:


Fachschaftsvertretung (FV)

We are the "Fachschaftsvertretung", a party-independent group in the student council, made up of board members of various student’s committees of different majors at the University of Bern. Our goal is to represent the interests of as many student committees and their students as possible.

We do this by informing the student committees about the agenda items relevant to them before each student council meeting and request their feedback. In this way, we are able to actually represent the students' interests in the student council. In addition, we also commit ourselves to inform the student committees after student council meetings regarding past votes or discussions.

Furthermore, we act as knowledge mediators between student committee boards, the student council and the SUB. By doing so we want to promote the communication between different university groups and strengthen the visibility of the student council and the SUB in the long run.

Finally, we would like to emphasize that as student committee representatives we are equally committed to all student committees, regardless of their size. In this way, we ensure that a large number of students, whose needs the student committee boards know particularly well, can easily bring their concerns to the student council.

We are very happy to be represented in the student council with six seats since March 2023!


Young Greens Uni Bern (JG)

The Young Greens are committed to a university that advances and realises ecologically and socially sustainable solutions.

Specifically, our goals are as follows:

  • Abolition of the duration-of-study penalty
  • Lower tuition fees
  • Fair scholarship system throughout Switzerland
  • Affordable and central housing
  • Ecological projects at the university: e.g. Urban Gardening

The Young Greens are committed to practical sustainability in everyday life at the university. With projects such as urban gardening, the repeated demand for recycling bins in all university buildings or the commitment to an affordable and ecological offer in the canteens, we have been able to achieve the first successful steps in the right direction in recent years. We would like to have an even more ecological offer in the canteens, and further projects such as a clothes swap day or further political initiatives are to be implemented this year.

A second major concern is improving the quality of teaching. For example, the Young Greens are working to ensure that podcasts of courses are offered, that evaluations are made transparent, and that there are better supervision conditions.

And finally, the topic of "equal opportunities" is also an important concern for us. Regardless of parents' finances or gender, regardless of whether they have a migration background or disabilities, everyone should have the same opportunities to study. Freedom of choice in studies must be guaranteed and career opportunities must be open to all.

Are you interested in actively standing up for a sustainable university together with the Young Greens?

Get in touch:


Young Green Liberals Uni Bern (Junge Grünliberale)

The jglp Uni Bern stands up for the interests of students in a solution-oriented and consistent way. We reject ideological trench warfare in the outdated left-right scheme. 
Within the SUB, we are committed to constantly improving everyday life at the university. We are always open to students' concerns, ideas and suggestions. We are happy to take your input on board, so get in touch with us!

These topics are particularly close to our hearts: 

Sustainability. The University of Bern should strive to be a role model in the area of environment and sustainability, not least because it already plays a pioneering role in climate research. Therefore, we are committed to a climate-friendly and environmentally friendly orientation of the entire university's everyday life. 

Energy. We are committed to ensuring that the University of Bern makes use of renewable energies wherever possible. The installation of solar cells on the university's non-listed buildings could make electricity consumption more sustainable. We are also calling for solar-powered mobile phone and laptop charging stations on the university campus to make everyday study easier for students. 

Equal opportunities . Regardless of their background, everyone should have the same opportunities to study successfully at the University of Bern. We are fighting to prevent tuition fees from rising any further and, in order to improve the compatibility of family, work and studies, we are calling for the widespread introduction of podcasts in all fields of study. Studying with a disability should continue to be possible without restrictions at the University of Bern.

Teaching. We want high-quality teaching at the University of Bern. Pedagogical training and further education should be compulsory for lecturers. In addition, we demand a transparent evaluation of teaching and, if necessary, intervening measures on the part of the university. The interdisciplinarity of studies should be promoted and students should have the opportunity to continue their education in the field of computer science free of charge. 

Research. The University of Bern should be committed to open and transparent research. Third-party funding must be openly disclosed. Innovative research projects, such as the implementation of a study on the legalisation of cannabis at the Institute of Medicine, should be promoted. In addition, we support the "Better Science" initiative in a politically neutral way, whereby academic work should be characterised by sustainability, diversity and equal opportunities instead of as many publications as possible.

Mobility and exchange. The jglp Uni Bern calls for the reduction of bureaucracy and obstacles for exchange semesters. Active promotion of international relations is also important to us. We have recognised the need for more exchange opportunities in English-speaking countries and want to meet student demand. That is why we are committed to expanding the exchange opportunities that exist today.

Mensa offer. The range of university canteens should become (even) more sustainable. Regional, seasonal, and mostly organic canteen menus at fair prices should be the general standard. The range of vegan dishes should be promoted and allergy-friendly labelling is a must. Minimising food waste and disposable cups are also key concerns for us.

Housing. We advocate for affordable housing close to the university, for example in Viererfeld.

All in all, we would like to see high-quality studies at the University of Bern and are committed to the sensible and continuous modernisation in the interests of the students.




Junge Mitte Uni Bern (JMUB)

Junge Mitte Uni Bern is a groupe similar to an association, which campaigns for the interests of students under the motto freedom, solidarity and responsibility. The aim is to promote political discourse at the university. For us, the focus is on people, the cause is central and joy is our motivation.

Why should you join us?

To make it easier for students to start their studies at the University of Bern:

Entering your studies is often not easy. There are many changes, a new environment of fellow students awaits you, you may have to change your place of residence, and the course of studies is also somewhat complicated and challenging at the beginning. Students are often left to be on their own. The Junge Mitte Uni Bern is committed to you and would like to create opportunities to make the start of your studies easier.

Promoting cohesion and contact among students:

It is important to us to strengthen contact and connectivity among students. Acquaintances among students should not be limited to individual lectures, but should also be promoted across faculties and semesters. The Junge Mitte Uni Bern therefore advocates for a comprehensive and attractive association life at the University of Bern, which should strengthen cohesion and exchange among students, even outside of lectures.

Bern not only as a place to study and work:

The University and the city of Bern should not only be a place for students to study and work, but also convey a sense of security, familiarity and belonging. For this reason, we want to make it easier for students to integrate into Bernese associations which are independent of the university, and we also want to make it easier for students who are new to Bern to get started in their new location by organising city and neighbourhood tours. Bern should not only be seen as a place to study and work, but also as a new home.

Create an attractive framework conditions for students in their everyday university life:

We advocate for a balanced and affordable catering offer at the University of Bern, which should be maintained and expanded. In addition, the range of sports on offer at fair prices should be maintained and also expanded. Ultimately, we want to ensure that the administrative and organisational burden on students is kept as low as possible.

Promoting political discourse at the University of Bern:

The Junge Mitte of the University of Bern is committed to promoting political discourse at the university. Acquiring discussion skills and standing up for certain interests can be of great benefit for the further career of every student.

Are you interested and would you like to help us shape everyday political life at the University of Bern? Then please contact us at:



Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Der Vorstand der Junge Mitte Uni Bern
Der Vorstand der Junge Mitte Uni Bern

Young Liberals Uni Bern (Jungfreisinnige)

The Young Liberals Uni Bern are committed to a progressive university.

1.) for a better balance between studies, work, and private life: We believe that students are responsible for managing their own time. We advocate for students to be able to manage their time themselves and according to their needs. In concrete terms, we, therefore, call for more podcasts and are against compulsory attendance.

2.) for low tuition fees: It is our concern that studying remains financially attractive and affordable, therefore we campaign against unnecessary expenses and for low tuition fees.

3.) for equal rights: It is particularly important to us that all persons, regardless of gender and origin, can take a seat in the student bodies. In particular, we are clearly against quotas. This means that a position should be filled by the most suitable person.

4.) for a more attractive university sport: We are committed to ensuring that university sport and its offerings remain attractive for students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. 

Contact:  &

Website: www.jfunibern.ch / www.jfbe.ch

Facebook: www.facebook.com/jfunibern

Social Democratic Forum (Sozialdemokratisches Forum SF)

We are the parliamentary group of the Social Democratic Forum of the University of Bern and we stand up for a sustainable and social university and university policy. 

Sustainable because, for example, we support the climate strike or advocate for fewer flights for employees. 

Social, because we are committed to equality and equal opportunities. We want a university for all: we want a university where everyone can study as long as they want, no matter how much money they have, and we want a university that actively thinks intersectionally. 

We are not active in order to maintain the old patterns of the university, but in order to make a mark and help shape the university and university life.

We demand: 

  • Abolition of tuition fees and study time restrictions
  • More and better scholarships
  • Study schedules that are compatible with paid and voluntary work
  • More accessible studies for all (e.g. in terms of degree, social gender, origin, physical and mental impairment)
  • Equality of all genders and at all levels (leaky pipeline)
  • Expansion of the services offered to students 

The Social Democratic Forum is the oldest political group at the University of Bern. Members of our group are active in various commissions, in the Swiss Student Union VSS, and sometimes in party-political groups. Interested? You can find us on our website on Facebook and Instagram.


Sozialdemokratisches Forum, c/o SUB, Lerchenweg 32, 3012 Bern





Die «SVP UniBe» ist ein politischer Verein, welcher im Frühling 2024 gegründet wurde, um den bürgerlichen Studierenden im politischen Diskurs an der Universität eine Stimme zu geben.

Wir wollen in einen konstruktiven Diskurs mit den anderen Parteien treten und die wissenschaftlichen Tatsachen gegenüber der Mutterpartei hochhalten.
Unser Ziel ist es vorerst nicht, im Studienrat zu politisieren (Stand Frühling 2024), sondern den Diskurs im «inoffiziellen» Rahmen zu führen. Dies möchten wir erreichen, indem wir Podien, Vorträge oder auch einfach ein «Feierabendbier» organisieren und dort den Austausch ermöglichen. Wir möchten dem Trend entgegenwirken, dass man sich in seine «Bubble» zurückzieht, wo man vor anderen Meinungen «sicher» ist. Wir nehmen uns selbst davon nicht aus, auch wir bewegen uns in eigenen Kreisen. Dies gilt es zu verhindern! Die demokratischen Kräfte müssen sich wieder gegenseitig zuhören!

Die «SVP UniBe» setzt sich für klar bürgerliche Themen ein:

- Förderung des offenen Diskurses. Niemand soll sich an der Universität an seiner Meinungsäusserung behindert fühlen oder mit Repression rechnen müssen.

- Für eine bessere Vereinbarung von Studium und Beruf. Alle Studienrichtungen sind angehalten wo immer möglich auf Anwesenheitspflicht zu verzichten und Podcasts anzubieten, damit die Studierenden sich ihre Zeit selbst nach Bedarf einteilen können.

- Administrativer Aufwand für Studierende ist von Seite der Universität auf ein Minimum zu beschränken. (z.B. handschriftliche Bestätigungen von Kursen, obwohl das KSL diese Möglichkeit beinhaltet)

- Achtung der Miliztätigkeit! Studierende dürfen durch obligatorische Dienste (bspw. Militär, Zivilschutz, Zivildienst, etc.) keine Nachteile an der Universität erfahren!  

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