Cultural student groups

Here you can find all cultural groups of the SUB

ALSO - Alumni & Symphony Orchestra

ALSO (the Project & Tour Orchestra of the University of Bern) Structure: The Alumni & Symphony Orchestra was founded in 2007. Originally conceived as an independent follow-up orchestra to the University Orchestra, primarily for alumni of the University, it has since developed into an esteemed symphonic orchestra on a project basis. Due to the noticeable increase in the number of students in recent years and the current Bachelor's and Master's degree structure, there is increasingly strong interest from active students at the University of Bern in playing in short-term musical projects with condensed rehearsal phases.

Profile: With its motto "Play once in a lifetime: Famous works with famous soloists", its unique profile as a meeting, communication and networking platform, as well as its intergenerational support structure for all participants, the ALSO has established itself within just a few years as an additional and valued cultural sympathy and message carrier for the University of Bern at national and international level.

Activities: Collaborations with top international soloists and prize-winners, enthusiastically received performances at international festivals as well as abroad (so far: Munich, Salzburg, Graz, Strasbourg, Lübeck, Helsingborg, Schaan, Helsinki, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Berlin), collaborations with official representations (embassies) in Switzerland and abroad within the framework of tours, television appearances as well as the traditional concerts in Bern (also as alumni events) and in Zurich have in the meantime earned the ALSO an excellent reputation. The ALSO also performs regularly at university events (including Phil.-Nat. degree celebrations, Alumni Day).

Interested ? We look forward to a large participation of students, together with alumni, other contributors as well as great soloists to be part of a next project of our orchestra.

Martin Studer (Director ALSO)

ARK - Academic Equestrian Club

https://www.arkbern.chThe Academic Equestrian Club Bern offers its horse-loving members, even without a horse of their own, various opportunities for regular and inexpensive further training in riding technique at a high level or "just" to indulge in their hobby. We offer dressage, jumping and eventing at every level.

ARK members can participate in:

  • Training weekends
  • Training week - Student equestrian tournaments national and international

Other ideas? If you have an idea about other equestrian activities or would like to make us an offer, please contact us without hesitation:  


We proudly present: Academic Equestrian Club Bern

BeASt* - Bernese Acappella Students

We are the first acappella group at the University of Bern. We've been around since April 2016 and our motto is: If everyone joins in, there's less for each individual to do! In this sense, every member can take responsibility. We rehearse once a week in the evening in the Länggasse, and everyone who enjoys singing is welcome. Our varied repertoire consists of self-arranged songs that are regularly chosen by our members. We are happy to answer all your questions by email!


We proudly present: BeASt*

Berner Singstudenten - The somewhat different fraternity, the somewhat different choir

The Bernese Singstudenten are an original male choir of wild active as well as former students who love to sing and prefer to combine this afterwards with a beer in festive company! 

Like all the others: Of course you can also make interdisciplinary friends and contacts with us, which will last beyond the end of your studies. Of course you can benefit from the experiences of older students and get important tips, especially at the beginning of your studies. Of course you also have various benefits with us. 

And yet different: What distinguishes us, however, is that we are, in a way, a "playful" fraternity - we don't take ourselves too seriously. We are a colourful bunch of students who like to sing, others who can sing well and those who can't sing and don't even look good but just want to enjoy the atmosphere and have fun! 

Drop in! Every Monday evening we sing at the Antonierhaus (Postgasse 62) from 8 pm. Afterwards we relax with a beer at the Krone Restaurant (Gerechtigkeitsgasse 66). 

Contact: Florian Peter aka FrächVia Mail: or message us on Facebook!Our homepage:

We proudly present: Berner Singstudenten

BeST - Bernese Student Theater

SET THEM FREE! All your inner visions, ideas and projects! The Bern Student Theatre (BeST) wants to see them on stage, sweating and trembling in the spotlight, crowned by applause and recognition.

The BeST is not a student theatre group in the true sense of the word, but rather an association that offers financial support for the realisation of theatre projects in addition to a rehearsal room, fund and network. Seize the dazzling opportunity, furrow your brow and grab your quill, move your limbs and let your hearts pump in anticipation, because your project has a dream: it wants to be on stage! And the BeST can make this dream come true. So if you don't want to do it for you, do it for the projects! Whether small or big, proper or naughty, loud or quiet, all projects are the same in front of us. We are full of playful people who want to realise your projects! So if you want to make your head projects tangible and are looking for helping hands and heads, or if you have helping hands and heads of your own, don't hesitate to contact us. 
Your BeST board members

Instagram: @berner_studentinnen_theater

We proudly present: BeST

BESTO - Bernese Student Orchestra

aThe Bern Student Orchestra is a group of young students from the University of Bern and other schools in the region.

We want to offer musically talented students the opportunity to work together on symphonic works and later present them to an interested public.

The name BESTO is not only an abbreviation of the orchestra but also contains principles of our group: 

Beständig (consistent):
We rehearse every Thursday during the university semesters, 19.00-21.30 in Bern. 

Effizient (efficient):
The shortened rehearsal period gives us the opportunity to present the concerts to the audience before all students' study periods. 

Spass (fun):
In addition to the musical rehearsals and concerts, great social events are organised. 

Temperamentvoll (spirited):
The focus is on works from the romantic era to modern times. 

Offenherzig (open-hearted):
Due to the tolerant atmosphere of the orchestra, new members are quickly accepted into the family.  


Vorgestellt: BESTO

Ciné liminal

the liminal refers to transitional stages and periods, to the blurring of fixed boundaries, to the occupation of the borderlands and to the in-between of stories, people and things.
ciné liminal is a collectively curated (documentary) film programme by students, anthropologists, film enthusiasts and filmmakers from the University of Bern. together we organise English-friendly film screenings, discussions, (student) short film events, masterclasses with researcher-filmmakers and more. do you wish to participate in one of our events? are you considering to submit your film for our upcoming programme? would you like to collaborate with us? Or are you even interested in joining the collective? we are looking to hear from you!

Mail: hello[at]
Instagram: @cineliminal

DER CHOR - The choir

The CHOR has been in existence since 2001, so it's worth joining in! The CHOR is not a coterie of senile singers, but a dynamic group of young people who enjoy singing and who integrate the newcomers from the very first rehearsal. The CHOR always meets for a drink after rehearsals, which is a great way to get to know each other.

We are always looking for interested singers. The best thing is to have a look at our homepage and then decide to come along to one of the first rehearsals without any obligation. If you don't like it, you can just walk out again - but anyone who's been there knows that won't happen. Be brave!

Thanks to our rehearsal methods, it never gets boring in rehearsal and we can move quickly but still work on the voices individually: Most of the time we rehearse first in the whole choir, then voice by voice in the individual registers (with up to four conductors!), and at the end once again in the whole choir. And for all those who can't get the melodies out of their heads, there are downloadable practice files for home use in the members' area of our homepage - voice by voice. So even those who prefer to sing by ear will get their kicks.

Who are we? Our main goal is to perform an annual concert each year, which takes place in April/May. The spectrum of styles of our concerts is very broad. In addition to the annual concert, we sing pieces from our varied repertoire at various events (aperitifs, weddings, etc.). Depending on the occasion, we sing a cappella, supported by professional musicians or sometimes by a whole orchestra. The main thing is that the sound is right!

But we do not "only" sing: Social events such as the traditional pre-Christmas GGG (Güetzi, Gsang & Glüehwy), barbecues, or the rehearsal weekend in the mountains are just as much a part of us as toasting and chatting in the pub after choir rehearsals! 

We rehearse under the competent direction of Ruedi Kämpf, music lecturer at the IVP, every Wednesday evening (6.15 pm to 8.15 pm) at Nägeligasse (behind Waisenhausplatz). More information, pictures, and audio samples are available on our homepage.


Ruedi Kämpf

ISC - International Student Club

The ISC is probably the oldest concert and party venue in the city and an integral part of the Bernese nightlife.

From Thursday to Saturday, party people go wild here. Lots of sound, drinks and clubbing for little money.

Thursday: Concerts from 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday: Disco (see daily press) from 10 p.m.

ContactISC ClubNeubrückstrasse 103012 BernWebsite:

JOUB - Jazz Orchestra University of Bern

We, 14 wind players and a 4-piece rhythm section, play funk and jazz tunes.


You can see and hear us on our website or at a rehearsal, Mondays 8.15 pm at Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern. Do you play a big band instrument? We keep a list of university musicians so that we can ask people for changes or substitutions; you can register on our website.

The Uni Big Band plays at university events and festivals and is booked for commercial gigs; you can refer the latter to us on a commission basis, which makes us happy!

or visit us on Facebook

LUB - Literature Club University of Bern

We are a group of people interested in literature and have been running the Literature Club at the University of Bern since 2017. We select literary texts together and then read and discuss them in successive stages. Through the discussions, our own reading becomes a topic, new content is opened up and as a group we can take a look behind the horizon. 

Contact: literatur@gmx.chLink:

We are looking forward to meeting you!

We proudly present: LUB - Literature Club University of Bern


The UNIBOX - student food "Studierendenfutter" for the ears.

They come from all fields of study: every four weeks, students from the University of Bern present live on Bern's free cultural radio station RaBe (95.6 MHz) for an hour about topics that concern everyday life at university, Bern, politics, culture, music or simply life. Conversations like those that take place in the evening on balconies, by the Aare, on the Schanze, or in the Marzili. Music that suits or pleases you at the moment. Guests who could not be more different. Themes like "Time", "Unmasked", "Compass", "Passion", "Follow the Sun" or "New". Of course, every Unibox should not be without "Universum", the section about the student groups at the university, and "SUB News", the information from the student body at the University of Bern. The "Place for the Weekend" also appears from time to time and provides the Uniboxers with tips for dancing, drinking, and socialising on the weekend. A programme by students for students, for Bern, and for everyone who wants to start the weekend with Unibox! Missed a show?

Here you can find all past programmes with just one mouse click:


We proudly present: Unibox

Unichor Bern - Uni choir Bern

The Unichor Bern consists of about 100 students, employees and alumni of the university and other singing enthusiasts. We prepare either one large annual concert or two half-yearly concerts. The concerts usually take place in spring, and possibly before Christmas.

The choir is open to students of all faculties, as well as all other who are interested. There are no auditions or entrance exams. At the beginning of a project, we ensure new singers sing in the right register.

If you enjoy singing together, you are very welcome.

We rehearse every Tuesday during the semester from 18:30 to 21:00. In the first half hour we warm up with our voice coach and afterwards we rehearse, depending on the rehearsal phase, divided by register or together with our musical director, Matthias. The first 3 rehearsals of a new project are trial rehearsals. You can come and sing along without any obligations. You can borrow the sheet music at these rehearsal if you hand in your ID as a deposit. You can easily find us at the Aula Muesmatt at Gertrud-Woker-Strasse 5 in the Länggasse area.

All important dates, such as rehearsal weekends or concert dates, can be found in the rehearsal schedule on our website.

In addition to rehearsals, there is also the option to socialise. After rehearsals, those who have time and want to, go out for a drink together. At the spaghetti and fondue dinner and the rehearsal weekend, you can get to know your choir colleagues even better.

If you are interested, join us at the beginning of a new project. You can find out exactly when we start a new project on our website.

We are looking forward to meet you!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.

Follow us on social media



We proudly present: Unichor Bern


"Uni due tre" is the Gymnaestrada group of the University Sport Bern.

We create our own shows with dance, acrobatics and unusual hand apparatus and perform them in front of small to very large audiences.

The joy and fun of experimenting with movements (aerial and floor acrobatics), different dances (street dance, hip hop, jazz, salsa) to the best mainstream music and self-recorded loops are essential components of our training and shows.

One of our goals is the World Gymnaestrada, an international gymnastics, and dance show that takes place every four years with over 20,000 participants from all over the world. When we are not training for a Gymnaestrada, we study new stage shows which we present to the public at about 10 performances a year.


  • Is a group of movement freaks with an insatiable thirst for original, innovative, and daring shows.
  • Is a group of young people who have a lot of fun outside the gym as well

Would you like to join us?




Training: Fridays, 12.15-13.45, Turnhalle 1 ZSSW

uob - Uni orchestra Bern

Young, dynamic and committed - the Uniorchester Bern (uob) is an orchestra with high expectations of itself. Among the approximately 70-80 regular members are mainly students, but also other talented young musicians.

Since its foundation in 1987 by two theology students, the orchestra has come a long way. Initially just a small formation of a few students, it was recognised as an official institution of the University of Bern in 1988 and then slowly but steadily grew to its present size.

The purpose of the uob is to offer music-loving students and professionals the opportunity to work on large symphonic works with like-minded people under professional direction and to present them to an interested public.

In addition to public concerts such as this one, the regular rehearsals aim to enrich the university's activities by enabling the uob to perform at internal events (graduation ceremonies, Dies Academicus).

These performances traditionally feature a symphonic work and a solo concert. In recent years, however, in addition to Dvořák's Cello Concerto or symphonies by Kallinikov, Tchaikovsky or Brahms, a wide variety of challenges have been successfully mastered: for example, the uob accompanied the Unichor Bern and the Berner Münster Kinderchor in Orff's Carmina Burana, brought a bit of Hollywood to Switzerland with a film music programme or led the audience through the imaginary gallery with Musorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition.

Rehearsals: Every Wednesday of the semester 19:00-21:30, vonRoll-Areal (Fabrikstr. 2E), plus one rehearsal Saturday and one rehearsal weekend.
Membership fee: Fr. 30.- for students and those in initial training, the rehearsal weekend in the autumn semester costs approx. Fr. 80.-, as we rehearse away from home then.

If you would like to join us, you can find more information at You can register at any time using the registration form and will be contacted during the semester break. If you have further questions, you can find the contact person on the website under Board (Members Department).

The uob recruits its members primarily from students or staff of the university or a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule), but other interested parties are also welcome.

We are looking forward to welcoming new members!


We proudly present: Uni orchestra Bern
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