Studijob for employers

Are you an employer with a vacancy? Are you looking for information on job offers for students? Below you will find important information about Studijob.

Personnel recruitment through SUB's student job platform

Simple and straightforward: Use our online form for advertisements to reach over 15'000 students and new graduates.

An advertisement normally remains online for 6 weeks, whereby you can also choose between different versions and time periods. In addition, your advertisement will be sent to the newsletter subscribers by e-mail on the first Thursday evening after it has been published. Permanent advertisements are shown at the top of the page every other month.  
The advertisements can only be viewed by students who are logged in on our website or by people who have a SUB service subscription. If you would like to see your own advertisement, you do not need to have a SUB service subscription but you can contact us to receive a screenshot of the advertisement on the website.

What kind of jobs advertisements can be posted on our platform?Any type of job to be filled by flexible, motivated young people, such as: Part-time, temporary and casual jobs of all kinds; temporary jobs, substitutes, short assignments, etc.; holiday jobs (semester break from the beginning of January to mid-February and June to September); specialist positions that require a degree and are suitable as entry-level positions for university graduates; internships that are compulsory for students of certain degree programmes as well as those that offer students the opportunity to acquire work experience that complements their studies.


  • Standard advertisement with/without PDF 130.-/100.- (advertisement for companies)
  • Private advertisement 50.- (advertisement for private persons)
  • Short-term advertisement 50.- (Short-term advertisement - duration: 1 week)
  • University advertisement with/without PDF 70.-/40.- (university advertisements)
  • Permanent advertisement with/without PDF 300.-/270.- (Permanent advertisement 6 months)
  • *Social institutions with/without PDF 80.-/50.- (advertisement for social institutions)

You will receive an invoice with a payment slip after your advertisement has been posted. Invoices outside of Switzerland or upon request are sent as an attachment by e-mail.

Social Institutions are Institutions with a social purpose namely for children, teenagers, and adults with special needs.

Conclusion of contract
You conclude the employment contract directly with the student. Studijob exclusively provides the offer.


  • Very fast tendering: Your advertisement will be published as soon as possible during our opening hours.
  • Uncomplicated transmission of the offer
  • Offers can be viewed by over 15'000 students at any time
  • In addition, a weekly e-mail is sent to job seekers
  • 6 weeks permanent advertisement (with the possibility of withdrawal)
  • Possibility to place a permanent advertisement for 6 months
  • Favourable advertisement fee

Wage recommendations

  • Office jobs: 23 to 30 CHF per hour
  • Short assignments: 23 to 30 or 35 CHF per hour
  • Cleaning jobs: at least 23 CHF per hour
  • Tutoring and private lessons: 30/35 sFr/lect. up to 45/47 CHF per hour
  • IT/computer specialists: from 40 CHF per hour
  • Booth/stand supervision: 25 CHF per hour

AHV information

In general, AHV/IV/EO (OASI/DI/IC) and ALV contributions must be deducted from each salary payment. In certain cases, the payment of these contributions can be waived. You can find information in the corresponding leaflet (2.07) or directly from your AHV (OASI) branch office.

Academic year

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