Arkania Bernensis

The future of tradition! A fraternity or sorority is something that holds together, this is what three students thought in 2006 when they founded the Arkania Bernsis. Since then, we have been added to the list of student fraternities and sororities in Bern. We build the bridge between secondary school and university, between women and men. True to our motto "For the sake of friendship", we try to make the daily routine of studying and exams a little easier or sometimes even forget them. Our events offer everyone the chance to meet new people and make new experiences. The ever-growing Aktivitas consists of students from a wide range of disciplines and we encourage a strong exchange of ideas. This also happens through the participation of many students from other fraternities and sororities at our events. What we lack in age, we make up for in versatility. On the first Friday of every month, we meet in a dark cellar to make plans for world domination and ponder the meaning of the world. If that's not enough for you, you can talk about the past and the future at the optional event on the third Friday of every month. However, we are connected by more than just friendship in beer. Thanks to the association, deep friendships have developed in and outside the association. Everything else, as well as the latest activities, is available at

Auroria Bernensis - The first sorority at the University of Bern

The Auroria Bernsis fills a gap in the Bernese university landscape. Because despite a wide choice of student fraternities, there was previously none that was only open to women. That was the reason why the first women's fraternity at the University of Bern was founded on 1 March 2005 - the Auroria Bernensis. But anyone who thinks of catfighting is wrong. The Auroria aims at networking between women and is committed to equal opportunities for women and men in professional life. Thus, the Auroria offers a vessel for lasting friendships as well as the exchange of experiences and ideas. In order to cultivate and strengthen this, the Auroria meets weekly for the "Stamm".  But also the relations with other student fraternities are close to our hearts. We like to broaden our horizons at a cheerful meeting with them. More information can be found on our website:

We proudly present: Auroria Bernesis

Academic "Verbindung" Berchtoldia

The AV Berchtoldia is a colourful "Verbindung" of students at the University of Bern. It offers a large network of students throughout Switzerland and enriches everyday university life through joint events of various kinds - from sporting to social to scientific, there is something for everyone. First-semester students can benefit from the experience of older and former students for their studies and when looking for a career.

Berchtoldia - for life!

The Berchtoldia is an open-minded student Verbindung of outgoing women and men from all faculties at the University of Bern. We meet twice a week; on Mondays for lunch and on Wednesdays for a cozy evening at the "Stamm", to exchange experiences or for lectures and excursions. The lifelong friendship among each other beyond the often anonymous everyday university life is a central element of our association. We are particularly united by our contacts with other universities. The Berchtoldia is a member of the Swiss Student Association (StV Schweizerischer Studierendenverein), which has at least one fraternity at every university in Switzerland. This means that every Berchtoldian has a large network of contacts and exchanges of ideas throughout Switzerland at his or her fingertips.

What keeps us together are the odysseys we have overcome in the university jungle, the exams we have taken together, the long study evenings, and our joint successes. Simply the old Berchtold spirit that has inspired new generations of members since 1917. Visit us on our homepage, where you will find all further information.

You will find the "Stamm" of the AV Berchtoldia at Restaurant Beaulieu
Erlachstrasse 3
3012 Bern
(opposite the University bus stop on line 20 in the direction of Länggasse).

If you have any questions or would like to get to know us, just get in touch with


Vorgestellt: Berchtoldia

Berna Bernensis

Die Berna Bernensis ist eine farbentragende Studentenverbindung an der Universität Bern. Wir bieten dir: Abwechslungsreiche Aktivitäten während Semester und Ferien Hilfe im Studium Eine Wohnung im verbindungseigenen Haus mitten in der Berner Altstadt Ein top-modernes Chalet zum Erholen, Lernen oder Feiern in Grindelwald Bekanntschaften mit Jung und Alt Wo du uns kennenlernen kannst: Wir treffen uns jeden Dienstag ab 18:00 Uhr auf ein Bier und interessante Gespräche. Schaue doch ungeniert bei uns vorbei: Restaurant Della Casa
Schauplatzgasse 16 3011 Bern

Wo deine weiteren Fragen beantwortet werden:
Präsident: Christian Laely v/o Bacchus
Fuxmajor: Dominik Lemp v/o Spencer

Du bist immer noch skeptisch und benötigst weitere Informationen? Ein Glück, dass die Berna über umfassende und top-aktuelle online-Präsenzen verfügt:  

Berner Singstudenten - The somewhat different fraternity, the somewhat different choir

The Bernese Singstudenten are an original male choir of wild active as well as former students who love to sing and prefer to combine this afterwards with a beer in festive company!

Like all the others: Of course you can also make interdisciplinary friends and contacts with us, which will last beyond the end of your studies. Of course you can benefit from the experiences of older students and get important tips, especially at the beginning of your studies. Of course you also have various benefits with us.

And yet different: What distinguishes us, however, is that we are, in a way, a "playful" fraternity - we don't take ourselves too seriously. We are a colourful bunch of students who like to sing, others who can sing well and those who can't sing and don't even look good but just want to enjoy the atmosphere and have fun!

Drop in! Every Monday evening we sing at the Antonierhaus (Postgasse 62) from 8 pm. Afterwards we relax with a beer at the Krone Restaurant (Gerechtigkeitsgasse 66).

Contact: Florian Peter aka FrächVia Mail: or message us on Facebook!Our homepage:

We proudly present: Berner Singstudenten

AKV Burgundia

Since 1865, students of all faculties and from the most diverse backgrounds have met in the "Akademinsche Komment-Verbindung Burgundia Bern". Our fraternity life mainly takes place at our aperos and "Stamm" in the Wein&Sein restaurant and in our fraternity room at Speichergasse 15. 

Interesting conversations with students and graduates of any field of study enrich your everyday study life and broaden your personal horizon.Our large alumni body and our membership in the Swiss Student Association enable our members to make a variety of contacts throughout the country.
Being a Burgundian means joining a circle of friends, drinking beer, celebrating parties, dancing through glittering ball nights, singing, discussing, and maintaining lifelong contacts. 

If you're interested, get in touch - we'd be happy to invite you for a beer!

Contact:AKV BurgundiaSpeichergasse 15CH-3011

We proudly present: Burgundia

Fraternity Concordia Bern

The student fraternity Concordia Bern was founded in 1862 as a law fraternity. Today, any student enrolled at the University of Bern can become a member. Concordia currently has around 200 members. Since 1969, Concordia has owned its own fraternity house at Postgasse 47 in Bern, which has, among other things, a large pub cellar as well as ten rooms and two spacious flats that are rented exclusively to students. Concordia meets regularly for mutual exchange, for example at the weekly get-together on Fridays in the Beaulieu restaurant. In addition to the social events, mutual support (e.g. in studies) is also of central importance.

The student fraternity Concordia was founded on the 18th of June 1862 by five law students. The initial aim was to brave the difficulties of studying together. For this reason, the fraternity was initially reserved for prospective lawyers, but this was to change in the course of time. Today, economists, physicians, historians, natural scientists, teachers, etc. are also members.

Over the years, the student fraternity Concordia developed from an initially loose association of students into a real-life connection. Those who once found their way to the Concordia usually remained loyal to them for the rest of their lives. Consequently, the Men's Concordia was founded as early as 1869, with the intention of giving the Concorders a way to continue to cultivate the friendships they had made during their studies.

Fraternity house in Bern's old town
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Männer-Concordia, the house at Postgasse 47 was taken into possession. From then on, the fraternity had its own pub, which has become an integral part of fraternity life. It is worth mentioning that there are several inexpensive rooms and flats in the same house, which are rented exclusively to students of the University of Bern.

Various events
During the semester, the Aktivitas of the student fraternity Concordia meet regularly at the Beaulieu Restaurant. Highlights of the fraternity year are various excursions, the Christmas party in December, and, of course, the Altherrentag in summer. At such events, contact between the different generations of Concordia members is made possible, something that is no longer a matter of course, especially in this day and age.

Promotion and support during studies
The student fraternity Concordia also intends to offer members and interested parties assistance in their studies. Thus, a constantly updated homepage is offered at, from which summaries, lectures, seminar papers, and old exams can be downloaded. Furthermore, "Alte Herren" who are already active in practice as advocates or notaries conduct exam preparation courses. Students from other disciplines can also benefit from the experience and support of our "Alte Herren".

Finland and connections to other countries
Also worth mentioning are the joint activities with our Finnish friend Nyländska Nationen from Turku. At least once a year we spend a few days together in Berne during the so-called Finns' Week in February and a few days in Finland on the occasion of the traditional "Sommerträffen". Furthermore, Concordia maintains active contacts with fraternities in Strasbourg (France) and Tübingen (Germany).


Studentenverbindung Concordia BernPostgasse 473011 Bern031 312 33

Vorgestellt: Concordia

Halleriana Bernensis

We are a color-bearing and non-beating student fraternity in Bern, which any student registered at the University of Bern, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, or the PH Bern can join. We maintain the customs of the student fraternities from the late 19th century and have adapted these to our own ideas in our over 125-year fraternity history through our own customs and traditions. Like other fraternities, we have a beer commentary that regulates behavior at the "Stammtisch" and at meetings. However, since 1914 we no longer have a compulsory drinking policy and therefore accept without further ado if a member does not wish to drink alcohol. Furthermore, we do not have a dress code; at the Stammtisch we meet in everyday clothes, and only on very special occasions, such as the Dies Academicus, do we attach importance to a festive tenue. Unlike many fraternities in Germany and Switzerland, our fraternity is politically and denominationally neutral. We leave it up to our members to determine their own political orientation and religion and then to incorporate these into our fraternity life in a constructive way, whether through debate or as a basis for discussion.

Our motto Friendship - Science is at the center of our self-image. With the aim of promoting the personal development of each member, we support each other in our studies as well as in our private everyday life and always stick together in good times as well as in bad. That is why friendship is particularly important to us. Through regular events, we strengthen the interpersonal bonds among us and thus create an atmosphere in which each of us can be who we are and is accepted by everyone in the same way. Even after we have completed our studies, we remain in contact with each other throughout our lives, thus enabling an intergenerational exchange that is unparalleled.

If you would like to get to know us better or just take a look at the world of student fraternities, you are very welcome to come and visit us. We usually meet every Wednesday evening at the Goldener Schlüssel restaurant at Rathausgasse 72 from 8 p.m. You can find more information about our programme of activities on our homepage.

www.halleriana.chStudentenverbindungHalleriana BernensisRathausgasse 703011 Bern


Fraternity Helvetia

During your studies, we offer a small, manageable circle of friends within the Helveteran community in Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva and Zurich - meaningful and varied.

Who are we?
Students from different backgrounds, like you and me. But we stay in close contact with each other as "old men" even after graduation. We keep close friendships with each other - for life. We are active in all areas of social, economic, and cultural life.

What do we want?
We expect idealism and commitment to the community from our members. For these reasons, shyness about responsibility and a tendency towards non-commitment are out of place in the HELVETIA. We accept the most diverse party-political, denominational and scientific views of our members. In this, we differ from the many political and confessional student fraternities.

We Helveterans help first-year students by providing expert advice and encouraging each other. Exchanging experiences and talking across generational boundaries helps to gain an understanding of other opinions, to practice tolerance towards those who think differently. This does not exclude that we are committed to what we recognize as right.

We Helveterans want to be a circle of friends within the university in which everyone is prepared to take responsibility for each other, in which daily life together is organized independently according to democratic customs, in which - despite all the "study stress" - a spirit of enterprise and cheerfulness are a matter of course.

What do we do?

During the two university semesters, we organize a programme for which the three-member executive committee of the association is mainly responsible. It is responsible for organizing the events at which we meet; active members are required to attend.

Our regular venues in the city of Bern are the Restaurant Della Casa and the Café Bar Atlantis. Here we drink our legendary beer according to certain rules (the so-called Comment) when we are not visiting another section of the HELVETIA, meeting in the Helveterhaus for a lecture or a "Versammlung" (Convent), accepting the invitation of an "Alt Herr" or organizing a festive ball in the Grand Hotel Bellevue.

In December, the traditional Christmas "Weihnachtskommers" party takes place, which begins in the morning with the equally traditional WK pistol shooting. On the following day (a Sunday), the core meets for the morning pint, which can no longer be held in the Kornhauskeller next to e/v Rhenania zu Bern but is always very popular in the cellar of the Helveterhaus in Gerechtigkeitsgasse or in the Old Tramdepot. Many old friends meet again at this event and travel to Bern from all over the country at least once a year.

A fixed place in the Helvetian semester for all active students is the visit to the fencing ground, where we practice traditional student fencing. Once a week, we also have the opportunity to do sports in a university gym reserved for us.

We also like to go abroad to the Oktoberfest in Munich, to Prague or elsewhere to experience something with our friends.


http://www.helvetia-bern.chStudentenverbindungHELVETIA zu BernPostfach 6541CH-3001 Bern

We proudly present: Helvetia

Sorority Hétaïra Bern

Sorority Hétaïra Bern

Sororité et Éclectisme

Our lifelong friendship moves us forward together and teaches us to make a difference in the future with our knowledge and experience.

La Création

The women's sorority Hétaïra Bern was founded on 3 September 2016. The founders Michelle Studer v/o An-côr-a, Jill Hellstern v/o Pet-O'hana and Katharina Schlittler v/o Fée-ri-an already came into contact with the fraternities and sororities at the beginning of their student life through panel discussions, lectures and debates on politically topical issues or those with a scientific background. The common interest and quite a few constructive discussions moved them to join forces to form a sorority that goes beyond friendship. The aim of the foundation was more than a friendly bond for life.

As a student, you deal with a very specific subject every day, but neither the university nor your free time offers you the opportunity to network your knowledge in an interdisciplinary way. It is an extremely important and educational exchange that the Hétaïra Bern wants to make possible for female students at the weekly meeting. In these instructive conversations about culture, science, politics or music, neither origin, political attitude nor field of study should play a role. With this basic idea and the shared values and views, the three founders joined forces at the beginning of 2016 with the Hétaïra Neuchatel sorority, which was founded in 2009 by the oldest Swiss sorority Belles-Lettres in Neuchatel. The founding of the second section in Bern has created a deep friendship and a cross-linguistic network between the two sororities.

La Hétaireine

A Hétaïreine is a sincere and cheerful student with a wide variety of backgrounds and preferences. A Hétaïreine can be an avid animal lover, sportswoman, interested biologist, or economist. They all share the same values, which binds them together in a lifelong friendship. In addition to exchanges and serious discussions, the Hétaïreines want to be able to support each other in all situations and laugh together. The Hétaïreines want to use their shared experiences to constantly develop and change or improve various areas.

Le programme

The programme is redesigned every semester. There are basically three different types of events. The regular meeting takes place on Thursday evenings at 6 pm during the semester. This is where the discussions within the sorority, social get-togethers, and weekly exchanges take place. In addition, Hétaïra Bern usually organizes extraordinary events twice a semester on political, economic, scientific or cultural topics. All interested members of the Couleuriker, students, and friends of the Hétaïra Bern are invited to these events to listen, ask questions, discuss or simply enjoy the evening together. The Kreuzstamm is the third type of event. In this context, the Hétaïra Bern organizes a meeting with another association in order to promote the exchange and the network between the fraternities and sororities in Switzerland.

Notre cave

The Hétaïra Bern has two sorority houses. The sorority cellar in Gerzensee or the idyllic vaulted cellar of the Lirum Larum in Bern's lower old town are the venues for official events, the regular "Stamm" and cosy evenings or parties. 


Are you interested and would like to know more about our unique sorority? Then visit us on our homepage, on Facebook or contact us directly to join our "Stamm".

We proudly present: Hétaïra Bern

Akademische Turnerschaft Rhenania

Stella Bernensis

Comme son nom ne l'indique pas, Stella Bernensis est une société d'étudiants et d'étudiantes francophones ou sachant bredouiller quelques mots (voire quelques syllabes) en français. Although its name does not indicate it, Stella Bernensis is a society of French-speaking students or students who can mumble a few words (or even a few syllables) in French. Outre son caractère apolitique, neutre et sans religion, elle regroupe des individus de différentes facultés (D'accord, c'est un mensonge. Il y a plus qu'une majorité d'étudiants et étudiantes en médecine vétérinaire. Mais ce n'est pas une raison: il y en a aussi d'autres qui ne font pas partie de cette faculté.).In addition to its apolitical, neutral and religion-free character, it brings together individuals from different faculties (OK, that's a lie. There is more than a majority of veterinary students. But that is not a reason: there are also others who are not part of this faculty).  Elle unit surtout des individus de différentes régions. En effet, les membres de la société proviennent des quatre (petits) coins de la Suisse Romande; mais Stella Bernensis a surtout la caractéristique d'être liée à d'autres sociétés d'étudiants et d'étudiantes des universités romandes, telles que celles de Genève, de Neuchâtel ou de LausanneIt unites people from different regions. Indeed, the members of the society come from the four (small) corners of French-speaking Switzerland; but Stella Bernensis has above all the characteristic of being linked to other student societies of French-speaking universities, such as those of Geneva, Neuchâtel or Lausanne. Et Stella ne se limite pas à cela! C'est avant tout un groupe d'ami(e)s qui se réunissent le mercredi soir pour oublier (un peu) les études et (Il faut l'avouer) pour délirer un moment.And Stella is more than that! It is above all a group of friends who get together on Wednesday evenings to forget (a little) about their studies and (admittedly) to have a good time. Bon, cher lecteur ou chère lectrice, je ne vais pas te faire l'éloge de la société d'étudiants avec ses avantages ou ses inconvénients. En effet, si tu es arrivé(e) à l'uni dans ton cursus, tu as donc dû apprendre à avoir de l'esprit critique. Fais-en preuve. Viens voir par toi-même ce qui se cache derrière ces belles paroles! Pour en savoir plus, renseigne-toi auprès de:Well, dear reader, I'm not going to praise the student society with its advantages and disadvantages. After all, if you have arrived at the university during your studies, you must have learned to think critically. Show it. Come and see for yourself what's behind all these fine words! You can find out more from: http://www.stellahelvetica.chMichaël Berset v/o Rein-Seth!Place 72123 Saint-Sulpice/ NE079/379.38.77Stamm le mercredi soir:Le Restaurant le «La Fayette »Aarbergergasse 523011 Bern

Academic Fraternity Zaehringia Bernensis

Academic Fraternity Zaehringia Bernensis The Zaehringia is one of the oldest and most traditional student fraternities at the University of Bern. With its umbrella organization, the Falkensteinerbund, there is a network of many other fraternities all over Switzerland. Being a Bernese Zähringer is more than just a membership in a club - it is a friendship bond for life! Study in red-gold-blue As a student fraternity, we wear our colours on our events: red, gold and blue. Whoever wears these colours is not only part of a large community, but also identifies with our values. For us, this means above all: tolerance towards others, because we cultivate the principle of tolerance. That is why extreme ideas have no place with us! We are a beating fraternity and fundamentally reject the determination mensur among friends. We are founded on the moral and ethical values of Western Christianity, but unlike many other fraternities we are politically and denominationally neutral. That is why you will find many different nationalities, denominations, views and opinions in our fraternity - lively discussions and mutual exchange are an important part of our fraternity life. Studying is our top priority, and helping each other during your studies is part of our life. Almost all fields of study are available with us: Whether you are studying medicine or law, German or history, business studies or theology - you are welcome and in good hands with us! Active fraternity life Studying is important, but your life as a student is not only limited to studying. As Zähringers, we like to celebrate in community: whether weekly events in the pub, excursions or fraternity balls - the best way to celebrate is in red-gold-blue! We also like to combine the pleasant with the useful - whether it's a lecture, tobacco college or knot dancing course: our semester programme has a lot to offer. Not only do you learn how to behave appropriately in small or large groups, but above all you have a lot of fun. By the way, the Zaehringia Bernsis is one of the few fraternities in Bern that has its own house in the old town of Bern - the parties in our historic "catacombs" are legendary! This is where we meet to celebrate, barbecue, dance and chill out together. Come and visit us! Over 800 years ago, the dynasty of the Zähringers founded the city of Bern - since 1888, the Zaehringia Bernsis has formed a lifelong friendship association for Bernese students under its name. Since then, many important personalities have emerged from our midst: Whether members of old Swiss Burger families, national councillors, diplomats or professors; you will find many of them among the Zaehringians. Through our colour brothers, we also have contact with academic associations all over the world - from Germany to Austria, from England to the Netherlands, from Sweden to the USA. Become a part of this community and study in the colours red, gold and blue! If you are male, studying in Bern and want to get in touch with us, take a look at our website or simply write to us - we look forward to meeting you! Contact: www.zä / Postgasse 4, 3011 Bern


The Zofingia is the oldest and one of the largest student fraternities at the University of Bern and one of the largest fraternities in Switzerland.

Zofingia Bern

Variety and fun! No matter which university you study at, Zofingers are everywhere. The sections from German and French-speaking Switzerland maintain close contacts and thus perform an important bridging function between the language regions. The fraternity is denominationally and politically neutral and any student can become a member, regardless of nationality. In addition, there are numerous events with ladies on the programme each semester (Ball at the Bellevue, May Stroll, Summer Serenade).

Around 30 students participate in the Zofingia Bern: from lawyers to medical doctors and physicists to mathematicians and from art historians to political scientists and economists. The Bernese Zofingers meet once a week for a get-together (in the old tram depot). Other events include sightseeing, lectures and excursions (Aare trip with pontooners) and weekly sports are held in the small university sports hall. The highlight is the Centralfest in Zofingen, where all Zofingeners from all over Switzerland meet every year. Friendships are made here - across generations and languages - friendships that last a lifetime!

Unlike most other fraternities at the University of Bern, the Zofingia has its own house at Alpeneggstrasse 8, where many events take place, where people can study undisturbed for exams, meet to watch a Champions League match, have a coffee together during the lecture break or go bowling at the bowling alley.

So a visit to the Zofingia Bern is always worthwhile! Information and the current semester programme are available at

P.S.: Here's a tip: If you want to have a cheap lunch and are fed up with Mensa food (by the way, this happens faster than you think...), don't hesitate and come to the Zofingia lunch! We meet every Tuesday from 12 noon in the Zofingerhaus at Alpeneggstrasse 8 (just after ExWi, in the direction of Bierhübeli). The menu is excellent and, above all, rich (aperitif, salad, main course, dessert and café for no less than ten francs).

Zofingia Bern
Mittelstrasse 70
3012 Bern
Tel.: 031 302 50 05

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