SUB survey

How many students work while studying? How do they experience student life on the campus? Is sexual harassment an issue at the University of Bern? What are the students' housing needs? In autumn 2017 and 2020, the SUB conducted a large survey among students at the University of Bern. The survey asks about the situation of students on topics such as student housing, studying and working, studying and family, discrimination at the university and everyday life at the university in general.

Der Umfragebericht wurde am 1. November veröffentlicht
Der Umfragebericht wurde am 1. November veröffentlicht

SUB Survey Report 2023

SUB is committed to the well-being of its students. For this reason, a large-scale survey is conducted every three years among all students at the University of Bern in order to capture the interests, needs and opinions of students across different areas. The aim is to be able to represent the interests in the best possible way before the university, the canton and on a national level.

The SUB Survey 2023 had a response rate of 11.08 percent. The average filler is female and 23 years old. The 2023 SUB Survey includes the following topics:

- Studying and Family

- Studying and living

- Studying and working

- Mobility and exchange

- campus

- Teaching

- Well-being during studies

Survey findings from previous years

In the reports on the surveys you will find the findings on the student situation at the University of Bern from 2017 and 2020.

Sources & links

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