
Faculty of Humanities


We are the Students' Committee of the English Department, which means that we represent the student body. Among our tasks are:

  • Staying in touch with the teaching staff and inform them about your needs, as well as keep you up to date
  • Organising a General Assembly where we let you know what is happening in the Department
  • Organising the famous Christmas Party (don't miss it!)
  • And we are always there to help you with questions and problems concerning your studies.

You find us at the "Tag des Studienbeginns" in the university's main building, as well as in the Tea Corner of the Department, where you can chat with other students and have a cup of tea. See you soon!

English Department
Länggassstrasse 49
3000 Bern 9
Tel.: 031 631 82 45


Faculty of Humanities

The Archaeology Student Association is the association of all students of the departments of Mediterranean Archaeology and Near Eastern Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology. We primarily try to promote contact and exchange among the students, for example with excursions and joint visits to exhibitions, but also with barbecues, apéros, or film evenings. We would like to welcome you on the day of the start of your studies to get to know you a little better. If you have any questions about the degree programme or the subject, just contact us or drop by the institute.

Homepage Institut: www.iaw.unibe.ch


Faculty of Science

We, the Biology Student Association, are on the one hand the representatives of the biology students towards the department and the faculty. On the other hand, we will support you with advice and assistance during your studies. Whether it's about old exams, examples of term papers, questions about your studies, or problems with lecturers, you will find support here.

First of all, we would like to make it a little easier for all prospective biologists to get started in university life. On the day of the beginning of your studies, you will be welcomed by us and have the opportunity to ask pressing questions. Immediately afterwards, we from the faculty student association will guide you through all the areas and rooms where you will have lectures in the first semester and will answer your questions (please check all these dates again in the leaflet before the TdS in case unexpected changes have been made). For more detailed information about your first day, please refer to the leaflet that will be sent to your home by post (but can also be downloaded from www.unibe.ch), the Biology Department website (www.biology.unibe.ch) and the Student Council website (fsbiobern.com).

The beginning of your studies is always the beginning of a new phase in your life, which probably all of you look forward to with one eye smiling and one eye crying. Here are some tips to help you get off to a smooth start:

Don't panic, we were all unable to see the wood for the trees on the first day. Don't panic, no one sees the forest on the first day with so many trees! This is completely normal and will change,  we promise. At the very beginning, only these two buildings are important for you: the Chemical Institute at Freiestrasse 3 (lectures in UG113) and the ExWi (Exact Sciences, located right next to the main building on the Grossen Schanze).

In the first lectures, the textbooks are announced and the scripts are distributed. For the latter, it would be good to have some money with you. You do not need to purchase any materials in advance. And keep the receipts for the books for your tax bill! By the way: We would also like to welcome new members from your year on our board so that we can deal with your questions and concerns quickly and directly, and so that we can continue to run the faculty student association.

Wir wünschen euch einen tollen Einstieg und ein spannendes Studium!



Contact:Fachschaft Biologie der Universität Bernc/o Institut für ZellbiologieBaltzerstrasse 43012 Bern

Chemistry and biochemistry

Faculty of Science

Anyone who starts a degree course in chemistry at the University of Bern can become a member of the Fachverein Chemie und Biochemie. There are no obligations associated with membership, but there is the opportunity to benefit from services offered by the "active" core of the Fachverein. These include, for example, the introduction for first-semester students, which is held on the afternoon of the day on which students begin their studies. Other services open to all members of the subject are excursions, sale of lecture notes, a textbook collection, festivities, etc. Furthermore, the FCB represents the interests of students and doctoral students towards the department and the faculty. For example, we are involved in the design of new curricula or the appointment of new professors. Drop by a meeting, because seeing behind the scenes of university operations can be very exciting!

You can find more information on our notice board in the foyer of the chemistry building on Freiestrasse 3 or on our website.

Uni Bern
Fachverein Chemie und Biochemie
Freiestr. 3
3012 Bern

Climate Sciences Students Council (CSSC)

Faculty of Science

Founded in September 2015, the Climate Sciences Student Council (CSSC) represents the Master and PhD students of the Oeschger Centre for Climatic Research (OCCR). The CSSC’s role is both academic and social. Academic tasks include promoting contact between the students and faculty staff, advancing the exchange of knowledge between students through the Knowledge Pit and improving the quality of the MSc Climate Sciences programme. The CSSC strongly believes in strengthening the social cohesion amongst students, organising events and promoting the importance of climate change to the public. All MSc and PhD students of the OCCR are members of the CSSC.


University of Bern
Oeschger Centre
Climate Science Student Council CSSC
Falkenplatz 16
3012 Bern


Faculty of Human Sciences 

The faculty student association consists of all students of Educational Science (major and minor). It sees itself as a representative of their interests and is their contact person towards the department and its management as well as towards the student body of the entire university (SUB) and the university management.

Wishes and ideas, as well as criticism regarding the design of our subject, can be discussed with us.



Faculty of Science 

Welcome! On behalf of all previous geography students, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the new students. It is great that you have chosen such a diverse and exciting subject.

Who we are and what we do: The Geography Student Association consists of all geography students (major and minor) at the University of Bern. Once a year at the general assembly, the board and the committee members are elected. The board represents the students' interests towards the Department of Geography, the Faculty of Science as well as towards the SUB. The Geography Student Association has a seat on the board of directors of the Institute of Geography and other commissions. Wherever the concerns of the students are affected, the student council strives pragmatically to achieve the best possible solution - be it the development and revision of curricula and regulations, the appointment of new professors, or various general problems and questions that arise during the semester. In order for us to be able to successfully advocate for the concerns of the students, however, we depend on people getting actively involved in the board. We would therefore be extremely pleased if people from the first semester were to get involved in the student association's work! Feel free to contact us if we have sparked your interest.

Where can you ask questions about and around geography studies? Visit the information event of the Department of Geography on the day of the beginning of your studies! We will also be present at this event to answer your questions. Don't hesitate to bring up any uncertainties or questions. There are (almost) no stupid questions!

You can find important information about studying geography on the Institute's homepage under "Studies". Further useful information and tips about studying can be found on our homepage:

Homepage FS Geographie
Homepage Institut für Geographie
Email: fsgeo(at)giub.unibe.ch

Good luck with your studies!

Geological- and Mineralogical Sciences

Faculty of Science

The Geology-Mineralogy GMF student association represents the interests of the students in all areas and actively strives to ensure that the right to have a say is exercised at various levels. In addition, events, lectures, parties, etc. are organized or at least coordinated.

Homepage Institut 
Homepage Fachschaft 

German Studies

Faculty of Humanities

The German Studies Student Association is the political association of German Studies students at the University of Bern. As a student of German Studies, you are automatically a member of the association and are therefore entitled to vote on issues at the general meetings, to elect the board members, and to be elected to the board.

The board is responsible for the main work of the association: it takes care of the contact between the teaching staff and the students, it intervenes in matters concerning the institute (choice of professors, curriculum planning, etc.), and tries to inform the students about these matters. In addition, it is his concern to keep the spirit of the institute cheerful and happy. To this end, it runs the institute's own coffee shop and organizes German language and literature festivals and other fun events. For first-semester students, it is important to know that the association always has an open ear and a helping hand for people with questions regarding their studies (see list of contact addresses). An information stand is available for first-year students on the first day of studies, and a first-semester night is also organized during the semester.


Fachschaft Germanistik
Länggassstrasse 49
3000 Bern 9


Faculty of Humanities

The board is constituted from the history student body and represents the students. Our main tasks are:

  • Representing the interests of students: We are represented at the departmental conferences, take part in commissions (filling new chairs, etc.). We also support the SUB (Student Body of the University of Bern) in its political work. Once a semester, there is a general meeting (Vollversammlung VV) of the association.
  • Contacts between students: For years we have been running a coffee room at the History Institute, where various daily newspapers and magazines are available. The Kafistübli should also serve as a meeting hub in the Institute: Students, representatives of the Mittelbau, and the lecturers can meet there to exchange ideas.
  • Information flow within the institute: The board regularly informs about its activities via notices in the institute and on the association's homepage. Folders in the Kafistübli and on the website contain information on mobility and exchange programmes, university policy, contacts with other universities, women's issues (gender studies, projects), and various history topics such as exhibitions, historical city tours, and archives. The most important and up-to-date information on and about studying can also be found on the website.
  • The history student association is also present on the day of the start of studies.
  • Campusfestival and other events: The history student association organizes events (Histfest, film evenings, Histbier, ...) and/or arranges jobs and projects for interested students.


Contact:Fachschaft GeschichteHistorisches InstitutLänggassstr. 493000 Bern 9

Student Council of the Institute for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Societies (ISNO)

Faculty of Humanities

Students at the Institute for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Societies are automatically members of the Student Council. You are represented by the board members. We of the board represent the interests and concerns of our fellow students towards the institute and always have an open ear for your questions and suggestions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns.

On the day of the start of your studies, we are always present and invite you to a small welcome aperitif at the institute. During the semester, we also organize various events to promote contact among students in the different semesters. We look forward to seeing you there!

Website of the Institut

Institute for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Societies
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern


Faculty of Law

The Fachschaft Jus is the official association of Bernese law students. All students at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bern are members. A Law student association meeting is held at the beginning of each semester, to which all students are cordially invited and can also elect themselves to the Law student board. The Student Association of the Faculty of Law is represented by the executive board which is committed to represent the interests of the students of the Faculty of Law, in particular towards the lecturers and the faculty. To this end, the board members take part in faculty meetings and sit on various committees. In addition to the faculty's university policy, we organise various events and are available to students for all questions concerning their studies.

Get in touch with us anytime!



Universität Bern
fs jus
c/o Dekanat der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Schanzeneckstr. 1
Postfach 8573

Classical Philology

Faculty of Humanities

We are the association of all students of Ancient Greek and Latin as majors and minors as well as those of the minor in Ancient Studies. As a student of one of these subjects, you are automatically a member of our student association. As such, you have the right to vote on issues, elect the board, and stand for election yourself. Through our representatives, we maintain contact between lecturers and students. In addition, we on the board are the point of contact for your questions and problems of all kinds and try to make it easier for students to get started. To promote a lively life in the department, we organize various events such as Christmas aperitifs, student dinners and parties, first semester and film evenings as well as excursions of a subject-related or non-subject-related nature. We are also happy to take your suggestions into consideration.


Email: fs-vorstand.kps@lists.unibe.ch

Art History

Faculty of Humanities

The Art History Student Association of the University of Bern represents the students' subject-related and uni-political interests and is a platform for meetings and the exchange of opinions. The board of the student council represents the interests and concerns of the students of the subject, in particular at the meetings of the department, where, among other things, questions about the courses offered are dealt with.

The art history student association is part of the student body of the University of Bern, which represents student concerns in the faculties and towards the university. A particular concern of our association is to integrate students into the institute from the very beginning. To this end, we organize a guided tour of the institute and an aperitif for first-semester students at the beginning of each autumn semester.

The homepage of the student association is a platform for exchanging ideas, tips, and other references (e.g. events, books, articles, etc.). uniart.unibe.ch also contains details of the various events organized by the student association, be it a guided tour or a festival. In addition, uniart.unibe.ch aims to be a place where people can make contacts. The art history student association is always happy to receive suggestions, ideas, and requests on its homepage - and elsewhere.

Email: uniart@ikg.unibe.ch

Latin American Studies

Faculty of Humanities

The LAS student association considers itself to be the link between students and lecturers. We work to ensure that students' concerns are taken up by the responsible bodies and thus try to continuously develop the relatively young degree programme in Latin American Studies. At the same time, we are in regular contact with the professors and ensure that interesting offers such as workshops, events and internships in the field of LAS are communicated to the students at an early stage. To promote exchange and cohesion among LAS students, we organise a Latino event once a semester and also attend non-university events on Latin America. Due to the small number of LAS students, concerns, questions and uncertainties about the study programme and beyond can be discussed quickly and easily. We, the LAS student association, look forward to a lively exchange and the pursuit of common interests.



Faculty of Humanities

The Linguistics student associations comprises all students of the subject. We are relatively small, which leads to greater and more cordial group cohesion. Every semester, we organise various small events such as a scavenger hunt or a film evening, with the highlight being the graduation party in December or May.

The Linguistics student associations comprises all students of the subject. We are relatively small, which leads to greater and more cordial group cohesion. Every semester, we organise various small events such as a scavenger hunt or a film evening, with the highlight being the graduation party in December or May.

For more information, please go to our website:


Of course, you can also send us an e-mail with your questions to  or you can meet us in the institute (Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49, 1st floor, B167). 

Math-Info-Bern MIB

Faculty of Science

The Math-Info-Bern (MIB) student association is the official representation of all mathematics and/or computer science students. All students who are members of the Student Union of the University of Bern (SUB) are automatically also members of the student association of their major. The MIB student association represents the interests of the students in various committees and commissions, such as the House Commission and the Library Commission. The MIB student association has a vote every time a teacher is hired. In addition, the student association maintains contact with lecturers, the student body of the University of Bern and the faculty. 

In addition to representing students towards the University of Bern, the MIB student association also aims to strengthen contact between students and to make everyday life at the university easier. This includes, among other things, the following:

  • Coin copier in ExWi, together with the physics and astronomy student association
  • Collecting and providing old exam series, some with solution suggestions
  • Student association party at the beginning of the year
  • Skiing and sledding day
  • Table football
  • Easter egg hunt
  • Spaghetti dinner towards the end of the year
  • Barbecue towards the end of the summer semester
  • Homepage with forum, picture gallery, tutoring and other features
  • Stand with information at the Secondary School Visiting Day
  • Assistance on the day of the start of studies 

The Executive Board conducts the day-to-day business of the student association and keeps the students informed. A student association meeting is held twice a year to which all students are invited. Other events and services can be planned at the meeting; it also serves to provide information about ongoing projects. Elections to the board or changes to the statutes are also decided at this meeting.




Math-Info-Bern (MIB), Sidlerstr. 5, 3012 Bern


Faculty of Medicine

Dear medical students

Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine! A new world awaits you. Some things will change, good things will come, good things will go. Right from the start: learning will reach dimensions that have hardly ever been reached at a Gymnasium before. Anatomical structures galore and a number of diseases whose names are rarely if ever pronounced by non-medical students. In Bern, problem-oriented teaching awaits you in the first 3 years and offers you an unexceptional amount of clinical experience thereafter. Self-study, independence and self-discipline are required. Does anyone help you with this? Of course. As a SUB member, you are automatically a member of the Fachschaft Medizin (FSMB). Besides the patient cases in the tutorials during the group discussion on e.g. H.M. with anterograde amnesia, the exciting dissection course, the other practical training and all the other instructive things, you will also encounter some hurdles during your time at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. Questions will arise, faster and more demanding than the desire for a semester break. "How do I master the beginning, how do I find my way around?", some may say. The FSMB will introduce itself in the first lectures and give the first helpful tips. You will need an apron for the practicals and for the preparation course. That's why the FSMB organises an apron sale in the first weeks, where the aprons are sold at cost price. But what happens when the weekend approaches? Continue learning? Or combine sport, fun and top-notch partying for once? Every year in autumn, our student association organises a sports weekend where you can sweat while playing, sunbathing and dancing. In winter, there is a regular skiing weekend with lots of fun and games. The Medifest in spring has long since become a legend and is traditionally organised by 3rd year students. And your helping hands are more than welcome at the blood donation campaign we organise. If you still have time to represent the interests of students to lecturers and institutions together with or on the board of the FSMB, please get in touch. We need everyone. To call the medical students in Bern a big family may be an exaggeration, but we all fight together. But not really a fight, but an educational, exciting and challenging time at the Faculty of Medicine awaits you. Whether it is sitting on university committees, providing information services, lending and selling equipment or working with various partners from the world of medicine, the FSMB is behind and beside you. We do everything to make you feel at home as quickly as possible.


Fachschaft Medizin Bern
Murtenstrasse 11
3008 Bern


Faculty of Humanities

Studying consists to a large extent of solitary work. Searching for literature, reading, learning, writing, etc. As exciting and indispensable as this may be, studying cannot and must not consist exclusively of this. Among other things, students of a subject can organise themselves, and there are many reasons to do so. The more the wind of austerity blows in the face of the university, the more urgent it becomes for a student association to represent its political interests to the outside world. We must make use of the little "power" we have. Fortunately, the cooperation between the student association and the lecturers at our institute is very cooperative. We have to make use of the opportunity to have a say in the planning of events and the organisation of lessons. It is a great concern of ours to make it as easy as possible for the first-semester students to immerse themselves in university life after their jump into the cold water. Finally, we also want to give the students the opportunity to get to know each other a little better outside of the classroom situation. To put it in the words of our Institute President Anselm Gerhard: "A student association is only as good as the parties it celebrates." We wish you all a good start!

Email: fachschaft@musik.unibe.ch

Eastern European Studies

Faculty of Humanities

The Eastern European Studies programme in Bern and Fribourg is particularly interesting and versatile because of its interdisciplinary nature and the involvement of two universities. The study programme contains hardly any compulsory courses and offers a correspondingly large amount of freedom to tailor one's studies precisely to one's individual areas of interest. However, these liberties also entail an increased coordination effort and require a certain amount of initiative on the part of the students.Every student of Eastern European Studies is automatically a member of the student association. Accordingly, the activities of the student association are designed so that all students can benefit from them. The board primarily represents the interests and concerns of the student body to the outside world. At the same time, it is the first point of contact for problems that experience has shown can arise during the course of studies. At least once a semester, we also organise an aperitif where students and lecturers of Eastern European Studies can exchange ideas and get to know each other better in an informal setting. We are always available to answer questions about the programme. We are also happy to receive concerns, input, and ideas. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us. And if anyone would like to get involved in Eastern European Studies, the board is happy to welcome new members.



Faculty of Humanities

As soon as you are enrolled in one of the major or minor study programmes offered by the philosophy department, you belong to the philosophy student association. The board of the philosophy student association consists of students from all semesters and works for your interests. It represents the students towards the institute, organises events on a regular basis for the exchange between the students and serves as a point of contact for questions, wishes or difficulties concerning the studies. In addition, the board has the opportunity to participate in university politics, for example, in filling professorships or with nominations for seats on university commissions. The board is elected at the semi-annual general assembly at the beginning of each semester. Come along and get involved in shaping the student association.  

You can find information about the work of the board, current events and offers as well as tips and helpful links for studying on our website. There is also a weekly newsletter that keeps you up to date on interesting lectures and other offers, also outside of the student association.


Physics and Astronomy

Faculty of Science

We would like to welcome you to the physics and astronomy student association.

We would like to introduce ourselves briefly: The physics and astronomy student association looks after the specific needs of the students at the university and has a seat on the various committees in which decisions are made about professorial successions, study plans and the like. The student association also aims to make it easier for first-year students to get started. So that the flow of information to you does not stop, a commented lecture preview will be published for the new semester, and we have set up a website with useful information. All physics and astronomy students automatically belong to the student association. The board is run on a voluntary basis by about ten students. 


Fachschaft Physik & Astronomie
Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern


Faculty of Human Science

You' ve enrolled for psychology? Then we would like to welcome you to the psychology student association. The psychology student association is made up of all students of this subject. Student representatives are elected from among them every year. The student representatives meet regularly and strive to protect the interests of the students towards the department, the faculty, the university as a whole and society. They sit on the Institute Conference, where important decisions are made, are present on Freshersday and organise cultural events (Psych-Party, Christmas apero, freshers' barbecue), inform students about important changes and, last but not least, offer help to individual students (mentoring). You are cordially invited to join in. To see exactly what our work consists of, you can simply attend a meeting or contact us directly via our e-mail address. You can find out more on our website, on the notice boards or on Freshers' Day.

HomepageE-Mail: fspsy@sub.unibe.ch

Contact:PsychologieFachschaft PsychologieFabrikstrasse 83012 Bernwww.fs.psy.unibe.chE-Mail: fspsy@sub.unibe.ch

Science of Religion

Faculty of Humanities

The science of religion student association includes all those who study Religious Studies, Central Asian Cultural Studies (CAS) and Religion in the Global Present (RGG) as majors or minors. The student association

  • promotes contact between students.
  • organises theme-related film evenings, excursions, etc.
  • represents the concerns and unipolitical interests of the students externally and within the institute.
  • is responsible for the exchange with the entire student body of the University of Bern (SUB).

Homepage: https://www.relwi.unibe.ch/ueber_uns/fachschaft/index_ger.html 


ContactFachschaft ReligionswissenschaftInstitut für ReligionswissenschaftLerchenweg 363012 Bern

Romance Studies

Faculty of Humanities

Romance studies student association: French L'association des étudiant-e-s (Fachschaft Romanistik) est le cadre représentatif de tou-te-s les étudiant-e-s de français à l'Université de Berne. Elle est également un moyen de correspondance entre les étudiant-e-s et les enseignant-e-s. L'association est surtout présente pour les étudiant-e-s, elle est là pour vous. Si vous avez des questions concernant l'organisation de vos études (plan d'études, latin...), n'hésitez pas à nous contacter!

Romance studies student association: Italian:
Would you like to devote more time to the study of literary and linguistic works? Are you fascinated by the culture of the Italian-speaking world? Then you've come to the right place. Unfortunately, the programme does not offer you the opportunity to learn the Italian language from scratch. You must have a basic knowledge of the language and writing.

Il nuovo piano di studi, strutturato secondo il sistema di Bologna (bachelor-master), ti permette di approfondire le tue conoscenze nel campo della linguistica e della letteratura italiana. I professori e tutto il personale dell'istituto sono lieti di accoglierti e di accompagnarti lungo i tuoi studi!

Per qualsiasi informazione consulta la pagina internet dell'istituto di italianowww.italiano.unibe.ch

Romance studies student association: Spanish
La asociación de estudiantes (Fachschaft Romanistik) representa a todos los estudiantes de lengua y literaturas hispánicas de la Universidad de Berna. Asimismo, es un instrumento de comunicación entre estudiantes y docentes.La asociación existe para los estudiantes, existe para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas sobre el estudio (plan de estudios, latín, etc.), pueden contactarnos en cualquier momento.

Email: fs-romanistik(a)lists.unibe.ch

Contact:Fachschaft RomanistikLänggassstrasse 493012 Bern

Slavic Studies

Faculty of Humanities

The Slavic Studies Department at the University of Bern is small but fine. On the other hand, Slavists get to know each other very quickly: the institute's rooms on the 3rd floor offer us the opportunity to sit together, chat, discuss, learn and exchange experiences.

As a student of Slavic Studies, you are automatically a member of our student association. The task of the student association is to represent the interests of the students towards the university. Since we can count on very good cooperation with the institute management, we have numerous opportunities to introduce our wishes and suggestions. The board is also always present at institute meetings and has a say, so that important decisions at the level of the institute management are also discussed with us. In order to find out about the needs of our fellow students, to exchange the most important information and to confirm or elect new board members, we therefore hold a general meeting every semester. You can find out when and where this takes place by e-mail, both via SlavList and via the student association office of the SUB.

The Bernese student association works closely with the Slavic Studies student association of our partner university in Fribourg. This joint activity results in film evenings every semester, where we watch Slavic films together in the original language with subtitles, start-of-semester aperitifs, a barbecue party every year at the end of May and occasionally also larger events where people can meet outside of everyday university life.

We would be very happy if you would also drop by and we can get to know you better! If you have any general questions about the Slavic Studies programme or the Slavic Studies student association, please do not hesitate to contact the board by e-mail


Institut für Slav. Sprachen
Länggassstr. 49
3012 Bern

Social Anthropology

Faculty of Humanities

As a student of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern, you are also a member of our student association. We are interested in your opinion! Talk to us during events, write us an e-mail or come to our general meeting. You can also get in touch with us at the regular student association beers. We are there for you - of course, also for questions about your studies. We as the student association stand up for your interests and exercise our right to have a say. We take part in all institute and directorate meetings, keep up to date with the latest news at the institute and ensure a student-friendly atmosphere.

Would you like to join the student association board? We are always looking for new members and welcome them. We are looking forward to getting to know you!
Your social anthropology board members

Email: fachschaft@anthro.unibe.ch

Social Sciences

Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences

The SoWi student association includes all students of the Bachelor's programme in Social Sciences, as well as all Master's students in Political Science and Sociology. We are the point of contact for any questions regarding timetables, study regulations or exams and are happy to help students from student to student to find their way through the university jungle. We especially want to make it easier for first-semester students to get started in university life and therefore offer a specific SoWi tutorial together with the economics student association.

Prospective SoWi students can also contact us at any time, ask us questions or sit in on a lecture with us. Our goal is to promote exchange between students of all semesters outside the lecture halls and to help shape the social part of university life. Therefore, we organise several events per semester, such as a SoWi film evening or a visit to the Bundeshaus. In addition, we want to highlight possible career prospects for SoWi graduates as part of the guest lecture series "Was machsch de mau mit däm" ("What are you doing with this?"), and thus put an end to this annoying question. You can find more information about the events on our Facebook page or in the SoWi newsletter. We look forward to hearing your opinions, ideas and suggestions and hope to meet you soon at our general meeting or at an event!
Your SoWi student association executive board

FacebookContact: sowi@sub.unibe.ch 

Sport Science

Faculty of Human Science

Our student association is made up of students of sports science from the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and is the elected representative of all sports students. It meets regularly at board meetings to discuss upcoming problems, activities and events. The board is open to all members of the sports science student body. The aim is to have at least one student from each semester represented on the board. Within the board there are different (task) areas, which are distributed among the individual board members according to their interests.

The task of the student association is primarily to safeguard the interests of the members of the sports science student association at the institute and university level. It is represented in the study commission as well as in the examination committee for the aptitude test and thus forms the link between the students and the ISPW. In the autumn semester, the student association is involved in organising the Master's aperitif and the Fresher's Days, which serve as information events for current and future students. In addition, it organises events that are intended to enrich the study of sport in social terms, such as the Sportträff-Apéro, the Grill&Beach on the Aare, the Sport Day and other events. Finally, the student association is also an information and contact point for current and future sports students. If you have any problems or questions about studying sport and the university, you can contact us at any time.


Contact:Institut für Sport und SportwissenschaftenSekretariat (Fachschaft)Bremgartenstr. 1453012 Bern

Theology and interreligious studies

Faculty of Theology

Welcome! The student association for theology and interreligious studies is managed by a committee of more than ten students who represent the interests of the students within our faculty. Twice a semester, all students are invited to a plenary meeting, where the committee reports anything happening in the various functions of the student association. For example, there are two delegates who sit in at the faculty meetings to advocate for students and then report the current topics.

The students are informed via newsletter-styled email about events, job openings or anything that could be of interest. Student association events are for example regular after-work-beer events or the annual night for cabaret and other kinds of art. These events are meant for all students of the faculty and are also frequented by professors and doctorate candidates.

On the first floor of the faculty in room A103 is our “Kafistübli” (our very own small coffee kitchen). It is looked after by the student association, and you can usually meet other students there. Vis-à-vis in the hallway there is a bulletin board with current information or flyers. On our website you find the e-mail addresses of those responsible for the various functions of the faculty and at the very bottom of the site is a very handy document for all new students. Unfortunately, this is all in German, but you can contact us in English, see below.

Contact via e-mail: 

Fachschaft Theologie und Interreligiöse Studien
Theologische Fakultät
Länggassstrasse 51
3012 Bern

Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Vetsuisse Faculty) 

Our student association is the link between you and the faculty. All students who are enrolled in veterinary medicine are members of the student association. There are board members that are particularly actively involved in your concerns. The student association represents your interests towards the institute, the faculty and the university. Through its representation in various committees, it actively shapes university life and can make your voice heard! In addition, you will be provided with a broad network of contacts and information to support you during your time at the veterinary hospital.

If you have any questions, you can contact us via our website!


Fachschaft der Vetsuisse-Fakultät Bern
Länggassstrasse 120
3012 Bern


Study/curriculum planning: 
Dr. med. vet. Brigitte Hentrich 
Phone: +41 31 631 24 71

Dr. med. vet. Simone Forterre Mail: simone.forterre@vetsuisse.unibe.c Phone: +41 31 631 26 27


Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Sprachrohr, Netzwerk und Hilfe: Als Vereinigung der Wirtschaftsstudierenden der Universität Bern vertritt die FSWW deine Anliegen, bereichert dein Studium mit verschiedenen Events und bietet verschiedene Hilfestellungen an.

Unsere Unipolitik

Die FSWW ist deine Anlaufstelle für Anliegen und Fragen. Wir haben durch Delegierte Mitspracherecht an den Fakultätssitzungen, sind zudem in Gremien und Organen der Universität vertreten und können so Eure Interessen gegenüber der Uni-Leitung vertreten. Die FSWW ist deine Plattform für studentische Initiativen! Das gehört zu unserer Unipolitik dazu:

- Aktive Teilnahme im Studierendenrat und in der Fakultät
- Jährliche Umfrage bei allen Wirtschaftsstudierenden (BWL & VWL)
- Übermittlung von Anliegen der Studierenden an die Uni

Wir bringen die Studierenden zusammen

Die FSWW ist viel mehr als deine Anlaufstelle im Studium. Wir organisieren verschiedene Events, die dein Uni-Leben bereichern sollen. Dazu gehören:

- Kennenlern-Apéros
- Pub Crawl durch Berner Altstadt
- Grillfeste
- Jassturnier
- Unternehmensbesuche
- Vorträge interessanter Personen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft
- Workshops

Zusammenfassungen und Stellenportal

Die FSWW versucht ausserdem, dir das Studium durch verschiedene Hilfestellungen zu erleichtern. Folgendes findet ihr ebenfalls auf unserer Website:

- Zusammenfassungen zu den Vorlesungen
- Career Update (Newsletter)
- Stellenportal
- Bücherbörse
- Inside-Magazin mit allen Infos zum Start
- Einführungstutorien

Alle Informationen findest du auf der unten verlinkten Homepage. Wir freuen uns, dich an der Uni oder an unseren verschiedenen Events kennenzulernen.


Fachschaft World Arts and World Literature

Faculty of Humanities

We represent the students of World Arts and World Literature at the Center for Cultural Studies (CCS) and our primary concern is to help with study-related problems. As a student, you are most welcome to take part in the General Assembly which is held once a semester to set goals and possible course of action for the forthcoming semester. Since our programmes are interdisciplinary in nature, we look forward to collaborating with other institutes and departments. And, last but not least, we organize a Fresher's Party and other get-together events to have fun and do some networking.

Email: fwal.unibe@gmail.com

Dental Medicine

Faculty of Medicine

Welcome to dental school at the University of Bern!

As you may already know, dentistry students spend the first two years of preclinical studies together with the people from human medicine and their council (fsmb). From the third year of study onwards, it's off to the university’s dental clinics (zmk bern), where you finally get to know the real study of dentistry. From then on, the dental students officially belong to the dental student council (Fachschaft Zahnmedizin) *Woop! Woop!

We organize a few parties every semester (costume party, beer pong, etc.) and advocate for the needs of the students in everyday study life.

If you have any questions about studying or need a motivational kick for this exciting craft-academic subject, please feel free to contact us via the e-mail address.

We wish you a successful pre-clinic and see you soon at the zmk.

Nice-to-know for those interested: In the student clinic at the zmk bern you can get dental treatment at a reasonable price. Whether for fillings, crowns or wisdom teeth extraction, we are always looking for new patients! The whole thing is supervised by trained professionals, takes a little longer but is also 70% cheaper! At the end of June you can also have your upper wisdom teeth extracted for FREE as part of the oral surgery master's exams. You can find more info on the official zmk website.


Fachschaft zmk bern
Freiburgstrasse 7
3010 Bern

Interdisciplinary centres

Gender studies student association
Homepage IZFG


Public management und politics student association 

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