3.11 - Lohnstatut der SUB (aufgehoben per 01.12.14)

All versions of the wage statutes of the SUB were written in German. 

3.12 - Rahmenarbeitsvertrag für Angestellte der SUB

All versions of the employment contract for SUB employees were written in German. 

3.13 - Rahmenarbeitsvertrag für Hilfskräfte der SUB

All versions of the employment contract for auxiliary staff of the SUB were written in German. 

3.21 - Reglement zu Dienstleistungen und Tarifen der SUB

All versions of the regulations on services and fees of the SUB were written in German.

3.22 - Rechtsberatungsdienst-Verordnung (bis 11.06.2015 Rechtshilfedienst-Organisationsreglement)

All versions of the legal advice ordinance were written in German. 

3.23 - E-Mail-Versandverordnung der SUB

All versions of the E-mail dispatch regulations were written in German. 

3.31 - SUB-Häuschenverordnung

All versions of the SUB house regulations were written in German.

3.311 - SUB-Küchenordnung

All versions of the SUB kitchen regulations were written in German. 

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