1.111 - Finanzleitbild

All versions of the finance mission statement were written in German.

1.1121 - Fachschaftsfinanzierungsreglement

All versions of the finance regulations of faculty student associations were written in German. 

1.1122 - Unterstützungsreglement der SUB

All versions of the SUB support regulations were written in German. 

1.1131 - SR-Reservefonds-Reglement

All versions of the SR reserve fund regulations were written in German. 

1.1132 - Rechts- und Kampagnenfonds-Reglement

All versions of the legal and campaign fund regulations were written in German. 

1.1133 - Sozialfondsreglement

All versions of the Social Fund regulations were written in German.

1.1134 - Darlehen- und Stipendienordnung zum Sozialfonds

All versions of the loan and support contribution regulations to the Social Fund were written in German. 

1.1135 - Diversitätsfondsreglement

All versions of the diversity fund regulations were written in German. 

1.1136 - Fachschafts-Fonds-Reglement

All versions of the faculty student association fund regulations were written in German. 

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